 Leaves Max Licher @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |  Plant Max Licher @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |  Phyllaries Max Licher @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) | | | |
Life Cycle:
Annual Similar Species: Anthemis arvensis
General Desc:
Bushy, taprooted annual, foul odor; upright and branching green stems, sometimes red-tinged; stems topped by a single large daisy-like flower head having an outer ring of white petals (ray flower) enclosing a yellow center; thin leaves are deeply divided. Identification notes: Annual weed with a rank odor; stems branched throughout or at tips; leaves finely dissected and alternate; flower heads of ray and disc flowers, solitary at the tips of the numerous and leafless branches; single-seeded fruit furrowed, gland dotted. Height:
4 inches to almost 2 feet
Habitat Description: Disturbed sites, roadsides, streams, ditches, fields, waste places, barnyards.
Plant Communities:
Riparian, Disturbed Areas Elevation: 2500 - 8000 feet
White, yellow
Daisy or dandelion-like not in clusters
Flowering Period:
Apr - Jul
Flower head to 1-1/4 inches wide with an outer ring of 10 to 15 white petals enclosing a center of hundreds of tiny yellow flowers (disc florets) that form a small round center dome. Hairy modified leaves surround the base of the flower head.
Leaf Color:
Leaf Type:
Leaf Shape:
Leaf Margin:
Leaf Attachment:
Leaves Clasp:
Leaves and stems
Leaf Description:
Stems smooth or have a sparse covering of hairs; leaves grow to 2-1/2 inches long and 1 inch wide, are deeply divided into narrow, pointed, very thin lobes, covered with long, soft, woolly hairs and dotted with glands; can cause a skin rash if touched.
Fruit Color: Light yellow to brown Fruit Type: Achene Fruit Notes: Fruit is 1/16 inch, dry and single-seeded with a bumpy surface. Its shape is narrowly cylindric with 10 grooved, gland-dotted, lengthwise ribs; doesn't split to release seeds when ripe and lacks tufts of hair at its top to aid seed dipersal by wind.
Seed Notes: Seeds have a smooth surface and are dispersed by wind shaking the stem and by water as they are light enough to float easily. Each plant can produce thousands of seeds (up to 960,000 on large plants) which remain viable in the soil for several years.