 Plant - summer Pioneer ParkSue Smith |  Plant - spring Pioneer ParkSue Smith |  Plant - spring Pioneer ParkSue Smith |  Flowers Pioneer ParkSue Smith | | |
General Desc:
A small low growing cactus having clusters of 1 to 24 stems, each with spirals of conical bumps (tubercles). Stems are round or cylindrical, un-branched and flat-topped. May become more flat-topped in winter with more than half the stem underground. Identification notes: Height under 8 inches, tubercles (knobby projections on a stem) not in vertical rows with a groove on their upper surface and flowers borne between tubercles distinguish this cactus. Height:
6 inches
Habitat Description: Desert scrub to conifer forests.
Plant Communities:
Desert Scrub, Interior Chaparral, Semidesert Grasslands, Pinyon Juniper Woodland, Montane Conifer Forest Elevation: 700 - 8800 feet
Pale rose-pink to reddish-pink or purple
Flowering Period:
Apr - Aug
Mostly found at apex. Tepals (sepals and petals) 21 to 56 per flower, outer tepals fringed. Flowers 6 days after summer rain. Male (anthers) flower parts are orange-yellow, female (stigmas) are white.
Stem Color:
Number of Stems:
Stem Shape:
Stems Segmented:
Stem Surface:
Stem Description:
Cylindrical 3 to 6 inches long and 2-1/2 to 3 inches in diameter. Stems are not ribbed, but have tubercles grooved on the upper surface. Darkest when fresh, weathering to blackish.
(structures unique to cacti, found on the stems, areas from which spines, flowers and fruits emerge)
Areole Description:
3 to 14 rigid central spines that point outward, upward and downward. A circle of 10 to 40 radial spines are pressed to the stem and surround the central spines.
Spine Color:
White or pinkish-gray, dark reddish-brown tips
Spines Hooked:
Spine Description:
Spines are 1/4 to 1 inch long, rigid and needle-like. Spines overlap and obscure the stem color.
Fruit Color: Green Fruit Notes: Juicy pod, 1/2 to 1 inch long, remaining green but tinged with purple when ripe. The pod contains reddish-brown seeds.