Plant - summer Yeager Canyon Sue Smith | Needles Bradshaw Mtns - Tr 52 Sue Smith | Cones Granite Mtn - Tr 308 Sue Smith | Cones - male Forest Trails Doug McMillan | Cones Bradshaw Mtns - Tr 52 Sue Smith | Bark Prescott,Southview subdivision Bev Turnbull |
Origin: Native Similar Species: Pinus monophylla General Description: Evergreen. Upright and compact with a symmetrical shape, rounded crown and single trunk. After many decades most pinyons lose their lower branches. Slow grower. A tree with a 10 inch trunk may be 100 to 150 years old. Identification notes: Short trunk with a pyramidal or round-topped crown. Needles nearly straight, mostly in bundles of 2, sometimes in bundles of 3 or solitary. Height: 35 feet Width: 25 feet
Habitat Description: Found on dry slopes and flats. Plant Communities: Pinyon Juniper Woodland, Montane Conifer Forest Elevation: 4000 - 7000 feet
Leaf Color: Dark green  Type: Needles  Shape: Other  Margin: Other  Attachment: Other  Hairs: N Description: Needles in bundles of mostly 2 (sometimes 1 or 3) to 2 inches long. Each needle is stiff, pointed and curved towards the branch.
Color: Brown  Type: Cone or cone-like  Description: Egg shaped, thick and with blunt scales to 2 inches long. Female cones mature by September of the second year. Male and female cone on same tree.
Bark Color: Gray to reddish-brown  Bark Texture (Mature): Rough  Bark and Branch Description: Course and furrowed into scaly ridges. Trunk up to 30 inches in diameter, irregularly and shallowly furrowed. Spines, thorns or prickles: N |