Plant - summer Granite Mtn - Tr 308 Sue Smith | Leaves Lonesome Valley Sue Smith | Flowers Granite Mtn - Tr 308 Sue Smith | Fruit Granite Mtn - Tr 308 Sue Smith | Young fruit Pioneer Park Sue Smith | Bark Willow Lake Rd Doug McMillan | |
Origin: Native Similar Species: Berberis haematocarpa General Description: Evergreen. A large, straggly, prickly, holly-like fragrant shrub. Identification notes: Terminal leaflet of each leaf usually less than 1 inch long, not more than twice as long as wide; berries spherical, blue or blue-black when mature, becoming dry. Flower clusters short, flat-topped, loose, few-flowered; outside flowers open first. Height: 14 feet Width: 10 feet
Habitat Description: Found on slopes and flats, often in association with pinyon-juniper woodlands. Plant Communities: Interior Chaparral, Semidesert Grasslands, Pinyon Juniper Woodland, Montane Conifer Forest Elevation: 4000 - 7000 feet
Color: Yellow  Shape: Regular in round clusters
 Tubular: N  Flowering Period: May - Jun Description: 6 yellow petals with flower to 1 inch wide in clusters of 3 to 9. Flower cluster is flat-topped, loose with few flowers; outermost flowers being the first to open.
Leaf Color: Gray-green  Type: Compound  Shape: Round or oval  Margin: Toothed  Attachment: Alternate  Hairs: N Description: Holly-like, spiny, leathery and consisting of 3 to 9 leaflets that are about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide.
Color: Blue to blue-black  Type: Berry-like  Description: Dark blue 1/2 inch wide berry.
Bark Color: Grayish-purple to brownish  Bark Texture (Mature): Rough  Bark and Branch Description: Developes shallow fissures and ridges. Spines, thorns or prickles: Y |