Plant - summer Yeager Canyon Sue Smith | Leaves Bradshaw Mtns - Tr 384 Sue Smith | Flowers Bradshaw Mtns - Tr 384 Sue Smith | Flowers Bradshaw Mtns - Tr 384 Sue Smith | Flowers Yeager Canyon Sue Smith | Fruit Yeager Canyon Sue Smith | |
Origin: Native Similar Species: Philadelphus microphyllus General Description: Deciduous. Slow growing highly branched woody shrub with deep roots and showy bright white fragrant flowers. Identification notes: Straggly, intricately branched shrub. Shreddy bark is smooth to hairy, reddish to light brown, grays with age. Leaves opposite, narrow to oblong, smooth to hairy, margins may roll under. Flowers white, solitary or clustered at the end of leafy branches. Height: 3 to 6 feet Width: 4 feet
Habitat Description: Commonly found on dry rocky ledges and steep slopes of cliffs and canyons. Plant Communities: Interior Chaparral, Pinyon Juniper Woodland, Montane Conifer Forest Elevation: 4000 - 8000 feet
Color: White, pinkish  Shape: Regular in clusters
 Tubular: N  Flowering Period: Mar - Jul Description: Petals white and fragrant, conspicuously taper to a narrow base, fringed, hairy and faintly edged in pink, 8 stamens, 2 inches wide, pinkish buds, single or in small groups at the ends of branches.
Leaf Color: Dark Green  Type: Simple  Shape: Narrow  Margin: Smooth  Attachment: Opposite  Hairs: Top and bottom of leaves Description: Upper leaf surface shiny, dark green, and sometimes hairy; leaf underside dull green, sometimes hairy, with 3 prominent sunken veins. Leaves opposite, narrow to elliptic, to 1-3/4 inches long. Margins smooth and sometimes rolled under.
Color: Gray-green to brown  Type: Capsule  Description: 4-chambered, woody, acorn-like capsule to 1/2 inch long.
Bark Color: Brownish to gray  Bark Texture (Mature): Shreddy or peeling  Bark and Branch Description: Gray shreddy bark on older stems. New shoots have reddish stems. Spines, thorns or prickles: N |