Flower spur Willow Dells Sue Smith | Flowers Willow Dells Sue Smith | Flowers Willow Dells Sue Smith | | | |
Origin: Native General Description: Deciduous. Stems 10 to 24 inches tall, widely branched, smooth. Leaves less than 1 inch long, leaflets 1/16 inch long, thick, folded lengthwise, smooth. Flowers in 2 to 10 flowered, head-like spikes. Banner petals reddish-purple, keel (lower) petals often yellow. Identification notes: Plants perennial, shrubby. Flowers purple or white, attached directly to stem; spikes are head-like or almost head-like and stout, or if less than ½ inch wide then not elongate; petals inserted on stamen tube, leaving scars when they fall. Height: 10 to 24 inches Width: Unavailable
Habitat Description: Rocky hillsides, mountains and dry, open and sunny plains. Plant Communities: Desert Scrub, Interior Chaparral, Semidesert Grasslands, Pinyon Juniper Woodland Elevation: 2000 - 6500 feet
Color: Reddish-purple, yellow  Shape: Irregular in clusters
 Tubular: N  Flowering Period: Apr - Jun Description: Pea-like flowers, petals to 1/2 inch long, 2 to 10 flowers in terminal spiked clusters. Upper (banner) petals reddish-purple, keel (lower) petals often yellow; sepals 5, long-hairy, united at the base.
Leaf Color: Dark green  Type: Compound  Shape: Narrow  Margin: Smooth  Attachment: Alternate  Hairs: N Description: Pinnate with 7 to 11 narrow leaflets dotted with dark glands. Compound leaves less than 1 inch long and leaflets to 1/16 inch long.
Color: Brown  Type: Pod  Description: Pods small, hairy, and gland-dotted, contained within the persistent hairy calyx; containing 1 to 2 seeds.
Bark Color: Brown  Bark Texture (Mature): Rough  Bark and Branch Description: Branches are contorted. Stems branch at wide angles, zig-zagging from node to node. Spines, thorns or prickles: N |