Plant - summer Crescent Moon Ranch, Sedona Max Licher @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) | Leaves and seed pods Crescent Moon Ranch, Sedona Max Licher @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) | Flowers Indian Gardens, Oak Creek Canyon Max Licher @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) | | | |
Origin: Introduced Similar Species: Catalpa speciosa General Description: Deciduous. Introduced fast-growing tree with broad, rounded or forked crown of spreading branches. Trunk generally not straight, up to 2 feet in diameter. Short, crooked branches form a broad, irregular crown. Its heart-shaped leaves have prominent veins. Identification notes: Large stout-trunked tree with short crooked branches. Leaves heart-shaped, opposite, pointed at tips. Flowers bell-shaped, white with yellow and purplish-brown stripes and spots inside; in branched clusters to 9 inches long. Seed capsules to 14 inches. Height: 25 to 40 feet Width: 25 to 40 feet
Habitat Description: Widely cultivated; escaped to roadsides, floodplains, canyons, and riparian habitats. Plant Communities: Riparian, Disturbed Areas Elevation: 3500 - 5400 feet
Color: White  Shape: Bell-shaped in clusters
 Tubular: Y  Flowering Period: Jun - Jul Description: Has 2 very showy, yellow stripes and purplish-brown spots & stripes inside the flower. Has 5 rounded, unequal, fringed lobes to 1-1/2 inches long and wide, arranged in bell or tubular shape; branched upright clusters to 10 inches long; slightly fragrant.
Leaf Color: Green  Type: Simple  Shape: Triangular  Margin: Smooth  Attachment: Opposite  Hairs: Bottom of leaves Description: Dull green above, paler green and hairy beneath; ovate to heart-shaped, pointed at tip; 5 to 10 inches long and 4 to 7 inches wide. 3 leaves per node, whorled or opposite. Foliage releases an unpleasant odor when crushed.
Color: Green to brown  Type: Capsule  Description: Flattened seeds with 2 papery, fringed wings encased in a distinctive 6 to 12 inches long cigar-like or bean-like, narrow, cylindrical, thin-walled, capsule 5/16 to 3/8 inch in diameter. Seeds mature in autumn, capsule may remain attached over winter.
Bark Color: Brownish-gray  Bark Texture (Mature): Scaly  Bark and Branch Description: Bark is separated into irregular shallow fissures with scales. Twigs are stout and change color from green to brownish-gray. No terminal
buds. Lateral buds are small and covered with overlapping scales. Spines, thorns or prickles: N |