Plant - winter Doug McMillan | Stems leaves absent Near Kirkland Junction Sue Smith | Young fruit Near West Clear Creek Sue Smith | Mature fruit Near Kirkland Junction Sue Smith | | |
Origin: Native General Description: Deciduous. Shrub or small tree. Grayish-green branches are smooth, straight, slender, rigid, ascending and spine-tipped up to 8 inches long and about 1/4 inch in diameter. Branches are able to conduct photosynthesis. Identification notes: Spine-tipped stems. Leaves reduced to small scales. Stems pale green. Flowers inconspicuous in axillary elongated flower clusters; sepals, petals and stamens 5. Fruit a somewhat woody elliptical capsule. Height: 6 to 16 feet Width: Varies
Habitat Description: Desert slopes, washes and mesas, desert grasslands, pinyon-juniper and chaparral. Plant Communities: Desert Scrub, Interior Chaparral, Semidesert Grasslands, Pinyon Juniper Woodland Elevation: 2000 - 4500 feet
Color: Greenish-white to reddish-brown  Shape: Regular in elongated clusters
 Tubular: N  Flowering Period: May - Aug Description: Male and female flowers on separate plants. Greenish-white to reddish-brown, 5-petaled flowers are less than 1/2 inch wide, in small clusters along branches.
Leaf Color: Greenish  Type: Other  Shape: Other  Margin: Other  Attachment: Alternate  Hairs: N Description: Greenish leaves are very small and insignificant, scale-like, short-lived and reduced to deciduous scales.
Color: Reddish-brown  Type: Capsule  Description: Clusters of woody capsules with 5 valves, each about 1/2 inch long. Seeds may persist for several years.
Bark Color: Gray, grayish-green  Bark Texture (Mature): Rough  Bark and Branch Description: Smooth yellowish-green with fine hairs when young, gray streaked and rough with age. Single trunk may branch and can grow to be 8 to 10 inches in diameter. Branches very flexible when young. Twigs and branches take the place of leaves in photosynthesis. Spines, thorns or prickles: Y |