Leaves Granite Mtn - Tr 347 Sue Smith | Leaves Granite Mtn - Tr 347 Sue Smith | Flowers Watson Woods Sue Smith | Fruit Ponderosa Park Area Sue Smith | Twigs Forest Trails Doug McMillan | Bark Granite Mtn - Tr 345 Sue Smith | |
Origin: Native General Description: Deciduous. Broad, rounded dense crown. Grows rapidly as a cultivated large shade tree. Relatively short lived. In nature, more likely to be a multi-trunk shrub, 10 to 15 feet. Has widest range of all North American maples. Identification notes: Broadleaf tree, rounded, often multi-stemmed; leaves opposite, compound with 3 to 5 toothed, ovate to elliptical leaflets, terminal leaflet long stalked; leaf surfaces hairy at first, bright green, lighter green below, yellow-brown in fall. Height: 50 feet Width: 50 feet
Habitat Description: Riparian habitats and other wet wooded areas. Plant Communities: Riparian Elevation: 3200 - 8000 feet
Color: Yellowish-green  Shape: Regular in elongated clusters
 Tubular: N  Flowering Period: Apr - May Description: Female inflorescences are droopy, aggregates of cup-like, 3/16 inch long flowers that lack petals and stamens and have exserted stigmas. Male flowers are in flat-topped clusters and have long exserted stamens.
Leaf Color: Green  Type: Compound  Shape: Round or oval  Margin: Toothed  Attachment: Opposite  Hairs: N Description: Leaves are pinnately compound. Bright green above and light green, hairy beneath, thick, 6 inches long with 3 to 7 toothed leaflets to 4 inches long. Turns yellowish-brown in fall.
Color: Brown  Type: Winged  Description: 2-paired winged seed cases to 1-1/2 inches long, paired, clustered and V-shaped.
Bark Color: Gray to light brown  Bark Texture (Mature): Rough  Bark and Branch Description: Trunk may reach 2-1/2 feet in diameter. Spines, thorns or prickles: N |