[ AZ Extension Water Quality ] [ Environment & Natural Resources Program ] | |
Animal Manure &Waste
Program Identification and Planning The potential for transport of nutrients and pathogens from livestock and dairy production operations to the environment exists with commercial and non-commercial operations. In order to stay economically competitive, most commercial livestock and dairy production operations have increased the number of animals utilizing the same land base. Adoption of animal waste best management practices can reduce the transport of nutrients and pathogens from farms and contribute to improved water quality. Improved management and utilization of animal wastes can occur through proper collection, storage, proper land application, and composting. Such strategies can benefit farmers by reducing disposal problems and reliance on commercial fertilizers, as well as improving water retention and fertility of soils. The University of Arizona has a broad range of research-based educational materials on animal waste management and utilization. Extension Water Quality has several participants in an Arizona statewide working group, CAFO Education Group. The goal of the group is to provide assistance and training to producers to meet animal waste management rules and regulations through adopting best management practices.
(1) Funding, both intramural and extramural, is sought for projects. The program is implemented through workshops, invited speaking engagements, surveys, developing and using curricula for both regulators and practioners, and developing various media to raise awareness. 2002: