The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Post-fire forest dynamics and climate variability affect spatial and temporal properties of spruce beetle outbreaks on a Sky Island mountain range | PDF icon OConnor et al 2015 Fire exclusion and climate effects on SB.pdf

O'Connor, C.D., Lynch, A.M., Falk, D.A., Swetnam, T.W., 2015. Post-fire forest dynamics and climate variability affect spatial and temporal properties of spruce beetle outbreaks on a Sky Island mountain range. For. Ecol. Manage. 336, 148-162.

Changes in tracheid and ray traits in fire scars of North American conifers and their ecophysiological implications. | PDF icon Arbellay et al AoB 2014.pdf

Arbellay E, M Stoffel, EK Sutherland, KT Smith, and DA Falk. 2014. Changes in tracheid and ray traits in fire scars of North American conifers
and their ecophysiological implications. Annals of Botany doi:10.1093/aob/mcu112 .

Fire severity, size, and climate associations diverge from historical precedent along an ecological gradient in the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona, U.S.A. | PDF icon OConnor et al 2014 Changes to fire size and severity in Pinalenos.pdf

O’Connor, C.D., D.A. Falk, A.M. Lynch, T.W. Swetnam. In press. Fire severity, size, and climate associations diverge from historical precedent along an ecological gradient in the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona, U.S.A. Forest Ecology and Management.

Mountain pine beetle in Southwestern white pine in the Pinaleño Mountains | PDF icon Lynch and OConnor2013 MPB in pinos.pdf

Lynch A.M., C.D. O’Connor.  2013.  Mountain pine beetle in Southwestern white pine in the Pinaleño Mountains.  Pp. 482-486 in Gottfried G.J., Ffolliott P.F., Gebow B.S. Eskew L.G., Collins L.C., compilers.  Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts; 2012 May 1-5; Tucson, AZ. Proceedings. RMRS-P-67.  USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  593 p.  Fort Collins CO.

Ecosystem Responses to Partial Harvesting in Eastern Boreal Mixedwood Stands

Brais, S., T. T. Work, É. Robert, C. D. O’Connor, M. Strukelj, A. Bose, D. Celentano, and B. D. Harvey. 2013. Ecosystem Responses to Partial Harvesting in Eastern Boreal Mixedwood Stands. Forests 4:364-385.

Human Pyrogeography: A New Synergy of Fire, Climate and People is Reshaping Ecosystems across the Globe | PDF icon OConnor et al 2011 Human pyrogeography.pdf

O’Connor, C. D., G. M. Garfin, D. A. Falk, and T. W. Swetnam. 2011. Human pyrogeography: a new synergy of fire, climate and people is reshaping ecosystems across the globe. Geography Compass 5:329-350

Public Political Ecology Field Course: Report on a two-day Critical Theory and Mixed Methods Course | PDF icon PPEL Field Course writeup.pdf

Public Political Ecology Field Course:
Report on a two-day Critical Theory and Mixed Methods Course
Lily House-Peters, Sarah Kelly-Richards, Lucero Radonic, Jesse Minor, and Jesse Quinn
October 22, 2013
Public Political Ecology Lab
School of Geography and Development
University of Arizona

Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial | PDF icon Stories for the Sky Islands_2013_Hudson, Minor, Posthumus.pdf

Hudson, A.M., Minor, J.J., and Posthumus, E.E. 2013. Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial. Final Report to National Park Service, Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit Agreement H1200-05-0003, Task Agreement J8680090020. May 17, 2013: 92 pp.