The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Jesse Minor

Graduate Instructor
School of Geography and Development

My interests and experiences lie at the intersection of science, natural resource policy, and environmental change. Current research topics include natural and anthropogenic forest disturbances such as wildfire, prescribed burning, and insect outbreaks, coupled with forest restoration techniques and land-use priorities. I have broad interests in nature society interactions, particularly with a focus on resource extractive industries such as fishing, forestry, grazing, and harvesting.

Forest Disturbances in Sky Island Systems
Teaching field methods in political ecology
Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial

Hudson, A.M., Minor, J.J., and Posthumus, E.E. 2013. Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial. Final Report to National Park Service, Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit Agreement H1200-05-0003, Task Agreement J8680090020. May 17, 2013: 92 pp.


Public Political Ecology Field Course: Report on a two-day Critical Theory and Mixed Methods Course

Public Political Ecology Field Course:
Report on a two-day Critical Theory and Mixed Methods Course
Lily House-Peters, Sarah Kelly-Richards, Lucero Radonic, Jesse Minor, and Jesse Quinn
October 22, 2013
Public Political Ecology Lab
School of Geography and Development
University of Arizona

Environmental History of Landscapes and Watersheds from the San Juan Mountains to the Grand Canyon
Environmental History of the Santa Cruz River
Our Changing Climate
Our Dynamic Landscape
Field Study in Geography (Workshop)
Field Study in Environmental Geography
Field Study in Geography (Workshop)