The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Erana Jae Taylor

Ph.D. Graduate
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, School of Anthropology

Subject: Environmental anthropology and historical disturbance ecology

Methods: Geographic information systems (GIS), dendrochronology, historical and archaeological records,

Interests: Human relationships with natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes), disturbances (e.g. forest fire), and
ecological collapse. Adaptation, problems of time and perspective in scientific research, bridging the environmental
past and present, human ecology, fire ecology, spatio-temporal geography



Selected Publications:

TAYLOR, E., FALK, D., TOWNER, R. 2023. Traversing the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: A Least Cost Path Analysis Compared to Archaeological and Historical Records. Human Ecology 51(1).


MARGOLIS, E., GUITERMAN, C., CHAVARDES, R., COOP, J., COPES-GERBITZ, K., DAWE, D., ET AL.  2021. The North American Tree-Ring Fire-Scar Network.  Ecosphere.  Manuscript submitted for publication.


DEWAR, J., FALK, D., SWETNAM, T., BAISAN, C., ALLEN, C., PARMENTER, R., MARGOLIS, E., TAYLOR, E.  2021. Valleys of fire: Historical fire regimes of forest-grassland ecotones across the montane landscape of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, USA. Landscape Ecology.


BONTA, M., GOSFORD, R., EUSSEN, D., FERGUSON, N., LOVELESS, E., WITWER, M. 2017. Intentional Fire-Spreading By “Fire Hawk” Raptors in Northern Australia. Journal of Ethnobiology. 37(4):700-718.


LOVELESS, E.  2017. Ethnoarchaeology Can Be Used for Ecological Conservation Because It Can Detect Shifting Baselines. Arizona Anthropologist. 28: 51-65.


NASCIMENTO, L. A., LOVELESS, E., LIMA, F., G. F.  2014. Land Use Changes along the Border of Furna Feia National Park and its Buffer Zone. (Mudanças dos Usos da Terra numa Área Fronteiriça entre o Parque Nacional da Furna Feia e sua Zona de Amortecimento.) In conference proceedings II Encontro Regional de Ecologia. Rio Tinto: UFPB, 2014(1):1-4.