The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Mountain pine beetle in Southwestern white pine in the Pinaleño Mountains

Lynch A.M., C.D. O’Connor.  2013.  Mountain pine beetle in Southwestern white pine in the Pinaleño Mountains.  Pp. 482-486 in Gottfried G.J., Ffolliott P.F., Gebow B.S. Eskew L.G., Collins L.C., compilers.  Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts; 2012 May 1-5; Tucson, AZ. Proceedings. RMRS-P-67.  USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  593 p.  Fort Collins CO.

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