WFSC 444/544 - Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (4 Credits)
WFSC 444 is a senior level hybrid course (fully online version in fall 2017) where students explore (1) how human and wildlife populations interact globally (2) how to asses the distribution, abundance, and trend of willdife populations, (3) the influence of demographic and migration rates on population dynamics, (4) the history and current state of anthropogenic impacts on wildlife, and (4) formal strategies for mitigating wildife impacts on people, people's impact on wildlife, with an emphasis on preventing extinction. This course delves heavily into the mathematical underpinnings of the ecology, biology, and behavior of many species viewed as ecologically, economically or intrinsically valuable. WFSC 444 is centered primarily on vertebrate (fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians) populations but also considers community and ecosystem perspectives.
Prerequisites: ECOL 181 and 182, RNR 316, RNR 321; MATH 113 or 122A/B or 125, Math 163 or 263, Junior/Senior standing. Satisfaction of the Mid-Career Writing Assessment (MCWA).