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Briana Betke

Briana is an undergraduate in Wildlife Conservation and Management with an emphais on wildlife disease.  She is interested in the study of wildlife diseases and human linkages, management of disease, and the rehabilitation of wildlife.  She is a fomer researcher of the University of Arizona's Undergraduate Biology Research Program and is currently a Doris Duke Conservation Scholar in the School of Natural Resources and the Envionrment.

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big question

Briana is the lead technician in the wildlfie endocrinology, physiology, and nutrition lab at UA. She manages storage, inventory, and analysis of thousands of fecal, blood, and plant samples from species around the world.  She conducts ELISA hormone and dietary assays using spectrophotometry and trains others in these techniques.  She is conducting undergraduate research into the relationship between diet qaulity (fecal chlorophyll) and stress levels (fecal cortisol) in the endangered Sonoran pronghorn.

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Briana is a Doris Duke Conservation Scholar in the School of Natural Resources and the Enviroment. As a Scholar she participated in weeklong training with other DDDCS's at the USFWS Conservation Training Center in West Virginia in 2015, followed by summer field work assisting with montiroing grey hawk colonization in southern AZ and monitoring the movements and activity of a recovering desert bighorn sheep population.  In the summer of 2016 she served as a DDCS intern with the Wildife Investigative Unit of the California Departmetn of Fish and Wildlife.

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Briana hopes to continue her education in graduate school and a degree in wildlife medicine.  She wants to use her skills to study wildlife diseases in wild populations and at the human-wildlife interface.

partners in Briana's career

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