Verde Valley AVA

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The Verde Valley American Viticultural Area


Established in November 20211, the Verde Valley AVA in central Arizona covers an area in northeastern Yavapai County centered on the confluence of Oak Creek and the Verde River.

The Verde Valley AVA covers an area of about 219 square miles. About 79 square miles (36%) of the AVA is privately owned land. Federal and state entities manage the remainder2. The perimeter of the AVA follows the boundary description as published in the Federal Register and based on U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps1.


Verde Valley AVA Climate

Verde Valley AVA Soil

Verde Valley AVA Topography


Verde Valley AVA location map

Jeremy Weiss


1 Code of Federal Regulations, 2021: Title 27: Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms, Part 9-American Viticultural Areas, Subpart C-Approved American Viticultural Areas, §9.280 Verde Valley AVA,

2 The AZGEO Clearinghouse provided the city and public land ownership data layers and the U.S. Census Bureau provided the county and road data layers.