The University Of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

2001 Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report

Director's Letter

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Reasearch Awards 2001-2002

Table of Contents



We always try to select a variety of topics for this annual publication that will reflect the diversity of research programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. This process is less than perfect as we are never able to fully cover the activities of our very capable and hard working faculty. In spite of this shortcoming, the following pages do offer a sample of our extensive activities.

We have many strong programs in the plant sciences and therefore have provided articles that range from basic molecular biology, to the development of new varieties, to better production practices and the development of methods for controlling weeds. Some of our excellent programs in entomology are highlighted in articles on mosquitoes, cockroaches and termites.

We are seeing an abundance of new regulations related to air and water quality. We always hope that those who develop the rules will base them on sound science such as that reflected in the following articles on measuring airborne particles and reclaiming water. The human side is also covered in the article on controlling weight.

Our readers who are alumni of the institution will be pleased to see that Libby Davison is taking the lead in obtaining official recognition of the campus as an arboretum. This will help ensure that the many unique trees and shrubs on campus, collected largely through the effort of our college's faculty, will be forever maintained.

Lastly, I wish to thank Susan McGinley, Robert Casler, and other members of our staff who always produce a first class publication.


Colin Kaltenbach
Vice Dean and Director
(520) 621-7201


Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station

Total Research Funding
Sponsored Sources
Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001 ($55.2 million)
Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001 ($30.53 million)


The University of Arizona is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Any products, services, or organizations that are mentioned, shown, or indirectly implied in this publication do not imply endorsement by the University of Arizona.
Document located
January 2002
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