58, Winter 2005
Soil management for drylands
Nominations sought for 2006 PRODWAT Case Study AwardThe Thematic Group on Productive Uses of Water (PRODWAT) of the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) is currently accepting nominations for the 2006 PRODWAT Case Study Award of EUR 1000, to support further research on the best case study submitted. Case studies must be less than 2000 words in length and may be submitted in English, Spanish or French. This competition is open to researchers, practitioners and students working in any development related context. Papers may be submitted by joint or single authors. Case studies should be on the multiple use of water services at the local scale: emphasizing the negative or positive role of productive uses of water at the household/village/local level alongside traditionally recognised domestic uses. Possible topics might include the role of household water supplies in gardening and urban agriculture, for livestock, and for micro-enterprises. The deadline for applications is 31 October 2006. For more information, contact: * * * * * Upcoming conferences of interest/Calls for papersDeserts and Desertification: Challenges and Opportunities This event will take place as part of the United Nations International Year for Deserts and Desertification (IYDD), in association with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The flip side of the challenge "combating desertification" is the opportunities associated with developing productive and sustainable economic alternatives in drylands. Ten years after the launching of the UNCCD, this conference will consider the effectiveness of different initiatives employed to combat desertification and to share opportunities for ensuring quality of life and sustainable alternative livelihoods in drylands. Leading international experts will come together with practitioners to discuss, debate and present recent findings on a range of issues and controversies associated with desertification. For more information, contact: * * * III International Congress on cochineal and natural dyes [III Congreso
Internacional de grana cochinilla y colorantes naturales] This congress is aimed at researchers, professionals, students, entrepreneurs, and producers, with the goal of analyzing and discussing advances and perspectives in natural dyes and coloring agents. The congress will address six thematic areas: (1) history, culture, and uses in art and artisanal endeavors; (2) agronomy; (3) biology and taxonomy; (4) technological advances and industrialization; (5) past, present and future market situation; and (6) legislative aspects, regulation and standards. Simultaneous translation (English-Spanish and Spanish-English) will be available at the conference. For more information contact: Organizing Committee President * * * Climate Change and the Middle East: Past, present and future The Middle East, like other regions, needs to urgently examine the way in which potential change may affect its future water supply. This in turn means examining inter-relationships between climate variations, water supply, land use, economic planning and demographic change in an atmosphere of cross-border and cross-disciplinary cooperation. This symposium aims to achieve this goal by inviting researchers from a broad range of related disciplines and by encouraging decision makers and stakeholders to work together on long- term cooperative solutions to these problems. Topics to be addressed include climate change, hydrology and hydrogeology, decision making, land use systems, and the past as a key for the future. For more information, contact: Yurdanur Unal * * * International Symposium on Drylands Ecology and Human Security:
Perspectives, Policy Responses and Sustainable Development in the Arab
Region - Challenges and Opportunities This symposium is a joint initiative from the GCC Network for Drylands Research and Development and the Gulf Research Center Green Gulf Program, in recognition of the United Nations International Year of Deserts and Desertification (IYDD). ISDEHS 2006 is meant to be the first of a series of symposia intended to create an ongoing dialogue between researchers and policy makers from the Arab world with the global scientific community as well as to reposition the ongoing desertification debate within the context of human security. This year's conference will mainly focus on the progressive land degradation and its social consequences in the Middle East and North Africa; best practice examples and research from other semi-arid and arid regions are also welcome. The symposium will be based on an interdisciplinary approach and will also focus on finding the interface between research and the reality of development practice. For more information, contact: * * * 3rd Future Environmental Trends Conference: Energy, Environment,
and Development - Analysing Opportunities for Reducing Poverty This conference will focus on challenges for sustainable development that arise from the nexus between energy, environment, and poverty. It will provide an opportunity for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and the donor community to engage in constructive dialogue on possible solutions. It will attempt to identify an agenda for action and policy relevant research, particularly focusing on developing countries in Asia. The conference will have six themes that focus on the linkages between energy, environment, and development: (1) Energy - the "missing MDG"?; (2) Sustainable lifestyles; (3) Local dimensions of global environmental challenges; (4) Globalization - forces of change; (5) Technological leapfrogging; and (6) Revitalizing research and development. Organized by Institut Veolia Environnement (IVE), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), and Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relationships (IDDRI). For more information, contact: |