51, May/June 2002
geospatial technologies to understand dryland dynamics
by Eric Patrick
"Two approaches to analyzing and interpreting satellite imagery in order to find suitable areas for water harvesting were compared. Results of this study indicated that visual interpretation by local land users was more fruitful that computer-based analyses of spectral data by an external researcher." |
Spatial patterning in dry environments and effects of disturbances on these patterns(Back to top) The spatial manifestation of this phenomenon is a characteristic pattern of relatively fertile patches interspersed amongst relatively barren, highly crusted supply zones from which water and nutrients are collected and concentrated in the fertile patches during flash floods. As this is an efficient form of making scarce resources available, and indeed is the basis logic of the ecosystem, it is important to determine the degree of disturbance both of the obviously valuable fertile resources but also of the apparently worthless runoff/nutrient source areas around them. A number of studies have been carried out which attempt to assess the effect of surface disturbance in arid ecosystems. Belnap and Gillette (1997) determined friction threshold velocities for soil crusts in different stages of recovery from a disturbance. Particles on the surface of crusts that had been relatively undisturbed for at least 20 years were found to have significantly higher friction threshold velocities than those that had been disturbed 1, 5, or 10 years previously. This implies a) that a surface disturbance can have an impact over at least a 20-year period; and b) that aeolian erosion will occur at much lower wind velocities for disturbed surfaces, with consequences for ecosystem productivity through selective loss of the more fertile fine particles, as well as possibly causing respiratory problems for desert dwellers. James et al. (1999) studied the provision of watering points in the Australian arid zone. They reviewed changes in vegetation in response to grazing around artificial sources of water, finding that the development of a zone of extreme degradation (up to 0.5 km) where soil crust is broken, resulting in a high rate of erosion once this protective cover is gone. A similar methodology was employed by Bosch and Kellner (1991), laying out transects both on time series imagery and on the ground moving outward from areas of concentrated populations of animals. The potential of remote sensing for quantifying and monitoring landscape patterns(Back to top) Water harvesting for managing ephemeral surface water resources(Back to top) Soil-loosening disturbances to a natural ecosystem, such as grazing, can become advantageous if the nutrients in that sediment settle in a sink downslope where soil fertility becomes enriched. Such a distribution of nutrient and moisture rich areas interspersed between -- indeed normally harvested from -- larger areas of poorer resources mimics the natural patchiness characteristic of dry areas. The physical effectiveness of water harvesting has been established beyond a doubt both by its use in semi-arid and arid areas around the world for at least 8,000 years (Barrow 1999), as well as by modern studies of soil water balance and yield improvements vis-à-vis in situ rainfall receiving controls. Water harvesting has always received much greater attention from practitioners than researchers, and as the 'twain often n'er will meet', the amount of documented research into water harvesting is remarkably small compared to both its historical importance and its current potential. Geomorphology of case study areas and political ecology of water use(Back to top) In Jordan, the study area is the panhandle region comprising the northeastern portion of the desert. Here, fertile 'oases' (in terms of sinks for runoff and nutrients) occur, especially within the basaltic al-Harra geological unit, as small 'floodplains' or marabs and as enclosed basins or qa'a. Both of these are readily apparent from satellite imagery, and understandably are highly coveted by livestock owners because of good grazing. There are also areas in the wadis known as ghudrans, which transmit runoff from the surrounding rock covered hills; the collected runoff sometimes lasts for many months. Rainfall in this area is very low, ranging from 90 to 150 mm/yr. The dominant land use is pastoralism, with some opportunistic sowing of forage crops and with some areas of permanent agriculture where the state has subsidized groundwater extraction. Often the beneficiaries of drilling permits and subsidies are well-connected outsiders, leaving the traditional occupants of the region to rely on government wells in order to water their animals. Rich grazing occurs in the marabs and, depending on the degree of salinity, in the qa'a; however, the richness of these resources has made them a cause of tension, with better-connected individuals, especially sheiks, making de facto claims on them. For these reasons it would be both environmentally and socially appropriate to seek to develop other surface water resources in the area. Water harvesting in the case study areas(Back to top) Using remote sensing as a tool for understanding surface hydrology and identifying suitable areas for water harvesting1) Kenyan case study: Computer-based analysis by an external interpreter (Back to top) Analysis of the imagery did not prove to greatly add to the understanding of patterns (at a finer scale) which could be observed from fieldwork; however, it did assist in ranking the relative size of each land unit as well as confirming the functional relationships between them. Supervised classification of the scene based on ground verification data of different types of crusts over the large, relatively homogenous valley bottom was carried out because the crusted surfaces are potentially indicative of movement of sheet (and rill) flow, as well as being source areas of local runoff. This exercise again proved to be disappointing, presumably because the spectral differences between the crust types were too subtle, and varied at too fine a scale, to be distinguished in the imagery. Albedo (total reflection) proved to be the most relevant parameter, rather than any particular wavelength. This is because albedo is in part a function of the microtopography of the surface, which in turn was found to be related to the severity of crusting, which in turn is related to a combination of soil erodibility and the intensity of surface water fluxes across them. As such, albedo could potentially be used to map crust type, but again the distinctions between crusts originating as in this case due to physical degradation are subtle. Crusts of biological and chemical origin are likely to be more readily distinguished on the basis of their spectral characteristics. Remote sensing might have proved to be more relevant in terms of revealing process from pattern in another landscape; however in this case there was clear evidence for self-similar scaling. In other words, the patterns observed at a fine scale and the patterns observed at a coarse scale are very similar, because both in this case are driven by the movement of water across the surface of the landscape in response to differences in potential energy (i.e. topographic differences). Indeed, a transect down a gradient from the contact zone with the Tugen Hills to Baringo Lake confirmed a decreasing infiltration rate of soil toward the lake, due to the dispersal and sedimentation of fines brought down with the 'flash floods' which are transmitted mainly as channel flow through the gullies and then spread out at the end of the gully. 2) Jordanian case study: Participatory image interpretation (Back to top) Knowledgeable local land users, principally elderly men who had been shepherds for many years, were invited to the tent of a host, in order to reproduce the traditional decision-making environment. After making a fire and having tea, the researcher was introduced by the host, a respected individual known in the community, and the objective of the meeting discussed very briefly. This was done intentionally in order to avoid biasing the discussions. The technical objective of the exercise was to determine whether indigenous knowledge, as applied to satellite image interpretation, would be more efficient at identifying suitable areas for water harvesting than computer-based analyses by external agents. Given that the definition of 'suitable' was taken to be based not just on environmental criteria but also on socio-economic criteria, this was considered to be a promising approach. The more general objectives were to a) determine to what degree persons who had (in most cases) never seen a plan view image, or indeed in many cases even a map, could relate to the imagery; b) observe the decision-making process; and c) gain insights into the hierarchy of criteria used to make decisions. Free flow discussions, translated live by a Bedu who had done a PhD abroad and thus could act as an intermediary or cultural bridge, were noted during the meetings. The results of the general objectives are beyond the scope of this paper; however, the specific objective was satisfied beyond expectation. Within 30 to 45 minutes, informants had oriented themselves to the imagery and started to identify, apparently with great precision, the locations of key wadis and ghudrans, as well as the best locations for artificially impounding wadi flows. A sample of the recommended locations was subsequently visited and the locations were found to be highly suitable for water harvesting based on environmental criteria, as well as on other criteria employed by the informants, such as access for water tankers. Conclusions(Back to top) References(Back to top) Belnap, J. and D.A. Gillette. 1997. Disturbance of biological soil crusts: impacts on potential wind erodibility of sandy desert soils in southeastern Utah. Land Degradation and Development 8(4):355-362. Bosch, O. and K. Kellner. 1991. The use of a degradation gradient for the ecological interpretation of condition assessments in the western grassland biome of southern Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 21: 21-29. Frohn, R. 1998. Remote sensing for landscape ecology. Baton Rouge: CRC Press. James, C.D., J. Landsberg and S.R. Morton. 1999. Provision of watering points in the Australian arid zone: A review of effects on biota. Journal of Arid Environments 41(1): 87-121. Omar, S. 1991. Dynamics of range plants following 10 years of protection in arid rangelands of Kuweit. Journal of Arid Environments 21:99-111. Tongway, D. 1994. Rangeland soil condition assessment manual. Canberra: CSIRO. |
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Dr. E. Patrick is a Research Associate in the Geomatics Research Group, Geography
Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. You can reach him for comment
by email at:
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