No. 47, May 2000
Desert Architecture for a New Millenium
by Luis Zegarra, Angel San Bartolomé, Daniel Quiun, and Gladys Villa Garcia
"...according to the 1993 Peruvian National Census data, 51.1 percent of all dwellings in the country, housing 48.7 percent of the total population, have soil as the predominant material of external walls....It is evident that some technical solution has to be developed to protect those people from the destruction of their houses during a severe earthquake. " |
Historical background(Back to top) |
Remains found in the Rimac Valley, where Lima is located, show that the rectangular adobe blocks typical of current construction have been in use since at least 900 B.C.E. Variations of block shapes and material additions were typical of the different regions where adobe was used. Some prehispanic civilizations fabricated adobe bricks by hand-molding the clay soil. Others, mainly in the coastal areas, added eggshells and seashells to the soil. In the highlands, small stones and "ichu" were added to the soil used to fabricate adobe. Ichu is the straw of a very common plant found over 2000 meters (6,600 feet) above sea level. | |
The main characteristics of pre-Inca adobe construction can still be appreciated in various ruins. The most outstanding are those of Chan Chan, capital city of the Chimu civilization on the north coast of Peru, which flourished between 1250 and 1470 CE. It has been considered the biggest adobe citadel of the prehispanic world, because it covered over 18 square kilometers (seven square miles) and lodged around 75,000 people. The whole city was protected by a very tall perimeter wall of adobe, three meters thick at the base and one meter thick at the top. Typical adobe constructions of that time had walls built on stone foundations and roofs, both horizontal and pitched, made of cane and mud. They were typically massive buildings with rectangular symmetrical plan views and very small wall openings. | |
With the arrival of the Spaniards in Peru, adobe construction continued, maintaining its basic characteristic of massiveness and incorporating typical features of the Spanish culture of that time. Thus, these buildings included elaborate gypsum moldings, carved wooden doors and windows, forged gratings, and a second floor made of quincha. After the earthquake of 1746 damaged most two-story adobe houses in Lima, a royal decree prohibited the use of adobe on the second level. Many examples of this architecture can still be appreciated in beautiful colonial houses both in Lima and Trujillo. Adobe constructions have excellent thermal and acoustic properties which make them appropriate for areas with severe weather and high temperature range variation. For the poorest people, these constructions are the only option because of their low cost and the possibility of self construction. However, these advantages disappear when adobe constructions are subjected to earthquakes. Peru is located in the Circum-Pacific Belt region, where around 75% of the world's seismic activity takes place. Plate tectonics theory explains the reason of such activity in Peru. It is at the border of two active plates: the Nazca plate and the Continental plate, and their relative movement generates earthquakes. As a result, Peru has always been subject to seismic activity. However, there is written evidence of it only since history has been recorded. Giesecke and Silgado (1981) mention a chronicle which describes several earthquakes as occurring in the 15th century, during the rule of Inca Sinchi Roca, causing destruction in Cuzco and Arequipa. The most significant Peruvian earthquakes include among others:
As can be seen, much death, destruction and material loss has resulted from seismic activity in Peru, especially when adobe constructions are involved. Present situation of adobe constructions(Back to top) | |
The usual failure pattern of adobe structures during an earthquake starts with vertical cracks at the corner of front and lateral walls. These cracks develop very fast and the walls separate. Once each wall is free, the front wall falls; this causes the collapse of the roof, which is the main cause of human and material loss. In spite of this danger, according to the 1993 Peruvian National Census data, 51.1 percent of all dwellings in the country, housing 48.7% of the total population, have soil as the predominant material of external walls. Dwellings with soil walls represent 83.4% of dwellings in rural areas and house 82.3% of rural population, whereas dwellings with soil walls represent 36% of all urban houses and house 34.2% of the urban population. | |
Local research on adobe construction systems started in 1970. The Catholic University of Peru took an important step in this direction, studying ways to reinforce traditional adobe construction by including vertical and horizontal cane reinforcement in the interior of the walls and adding a crown beam to integrate the structure. These research results were derived from tilting table tests and were later verified with seismic simulation tests on natural-scale adobe modules at the Aseismic Structures Laboratory of the Catholic University. This internal reinforcement solution is applicable only to new adobe constructions. However, as the data from the latest census show, a large percentage of people are currently living in traditional, unreinforced adobe houses and are consequently highly vulnerable to seismic activity. It is evident that some technical solution has to be developed to protect those people from the destruction of their houses during a severe earthquake. This article presents the results of a research project designed to develop a means of reinforcing and better protecting existing traditional adobe houses. Experimental research(Back to top) The purpose of this research was to provide existing adobe house with some reinforcement to delay the formation of vertical cracks in the corner of the walls. At a minimum, this delay should give enough time to permit the evacuation of the people inside the building. Since local construction patterns often involve houses that share common walls, any type of protection added to an existing house can only be applied to its interior walls and to the exterior front wall. | |
The following reinforcement techniques were tested with full-scale specimens at the Aseismic Structures Laboratory of the University:
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The test specimens were U-shaped walls with the different reinforcing alternatives. They were tested on the seismic simulator using a signal derived from the May 30th, 1970, earthquake. The test program included movements of increasing intensity, to represent light, moderate and severe earthquakes. These tests showed that all the specimens collapsed during a moderate earthquake except those reinforced with chicken-wire mesh and welded wire mesh, which collapsed during a severe earthquake. The conclusion of this first series of tests was that the reinforcement with welded wire mesh made of 1 mm (0.03 inch) galvanized wire every 2 cm (3/4 inch), covered with cement:sand mortar in proportion 1:4, proved to be the most effective for the intended purposes. | |
The next step was to test this solution on full-scale adobe modules with architectural characteristics representing one-story houses both of the coast and of the highland areas of Peru. The idea was to test the traditional modules with no reinforcement in order to observe their behavior, and after that, to test similar modules with the electrically welded mesh placed in strips: vertically in the corners of all interior perpendicular walls, simulating columns; and horizontally surrounding the upper perimeter, simulating a crown beam for the wall. The mesh strips were connected by means of wire that crossed the wall through a hole that was later covered with mortar. Externally, only the front wall was reinforced in a similar manner. The results of this series of tests confirmed the effectiveness of the welded wire mesh reinforcement and gave important information as to the quantity of reinforcement needed. This factor is relevant because of the cost of the reinforcing materials. Reinforcement of prototypes(Back to top) Therefore, the second stage of the project consisted in the reinforcement of 19 pilot houses located in the Departments of Ancash (central highland), Cusco (south highland), Tacna, Moquegua and Ica (south coast) and La Libertad (north coast). | |
The conditions which determined the selection of a house for this reinforcement were:
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Some two-story houses, typical of the highlands, were also selected. They were completely covered with horizontal mesh strips on the first floor, while on the second floor, where less shear force is present, the mesh was placed, as described before, only in a top horizontal strip and in vertical position at the interior corners. | |
The construction procedure applied in every repair was:
A construction technician from the University was in charge of the reinforcement, with the help of local masons who were trained in the repair procedures. During the visits to evaluate existing adobe houses for potential inclusion in the project, many common defects were found. Some of these defects could be repaired before the application of the proposed technique, others made such techniques inapplicable unless additional reinforcement was applied, and others were not repairable, leaving the houses highly vulnerable to collapse during the next major earthquake. During the visits to evaluate existing adobe houses for potential inclusion in the project, many common defects were found. Some of these defects could be repaired before the application of the proposed technique, others made such techniques inapplicable unless additional reinforcement was applied, and others were not repairable, leaving the houses highly vulnerable to collapse during the next major earthquake. | |
Among the repairable defects, the most common were:
Among the defects that required additional reinforcement were:
The non-repairable defects found included:
Conclusions(Back to top) The electrically welded wire mesh could be purchased in the main city of each Department of the country. Many structural problems were found in existing adobe houses in all the places that were visited. Most of them were capable of being repaired but others unfortunately were not suitable for repair of any kind. CERESIS and the Catholic University promote the use of this reinforcement technique among anyone who wants to use it, providing all technical information and specific assistance. Even though this project has dealt with houses made of adobe, with some creativity and engineering criteria, this reinforcement system can be applied to the protection and repair of historical monuments as well. Reference(Back to top) Bibliography(Back to top) Hartkopf, V. 1985. Técnicas de Construcción Autóctonas del Perú. Washington, D.C.: USAID. Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI). 1993. Censos nacionales 1993, IX de población. IV de vivienda. Lima, Peru: INEI. Zegarra, L., D. Quiun, A. San Bartolomé and A. Giesecke. 1997. Reforzamiento de viviendas de adobe existentes. Primera parte: Ensayos de muros preliminares "U". Report presented at the XI National Congress of Civil Engineering. Trujillo, Peru. Zegarra, L., D. Quiun, A. San Bartolomé and A. Giesecke. 1997. Reforzamiento de viviendas de adobe existentes. Segunda parte: Ensayos sísmicos de módulos. Report presented at the XI National Congress of Civil Engineering. Trujillo, Peru. Zegarra, L., D. Quiun, A. San Bartolomé and A. Giesecke. 1999. Reforzamiento de viviendas existentes de adobe. Proyecto CERESIS-GTZ-PUCP. Report presented at the XII National Congress of Civil Engineering. Huánuco, Peru. |
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Engineers Luis Zegarra, Angel San Bartolomé and Daniel Quiun are Principal Professors in the Engineering Department, Catholic University of Peru. Engineer Gladys Villa Garcia is Associate Professor in the Engineering Department and Head of the Aseismic Structures Laboratory, Catholic University of Peru. For more information, please contact:
Ing. Luis Zegarra
Departamento de Ingeniería
Pontíficia Universidad Católica del Perú
Casilla de Correo 1761
Lima 100, PERU
Ing. Gladys Villa Garcia
Jefe del Laboratorio de Estructuras Antisísmicas
Pontíficia Universidad Católica del Perú
Casilla de Correo 1761
Lima 100, PERU
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Prior to its research on reinforcing already-existing adobe houses, the Catholic University of Peru conducted research on reinforcing new adobe structures during construction. This research was funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada. The IDRC web site has several documents containing information about this previous research project:
Affordable, Quake-proof Adobe Housing in Peru
Withstanding an Earthquake--IDRC Reports, July 1992
Building One's House of Adobe
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