Independent Study Qualitative Research

Submitted by caott on

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9 hours per week and unpaid.

This independent study course is designed for students who are interested in gaining hands-on research experience, using focus group data that were collected from middle school students, their parents, and teachers. Students will have an opportunity to work closely with a faculty member in learning to code qualitative data, analyze data using qualitative coding techniques, and interpret/disseminate findings. Students interested in graduate school are strongly encouraged to consider taking this course.


  • Completion of Research Methods course with A or B grade
  • Instructor permission
  • English and Spanish language opportunities
  • ~9 hours/week availability (set up your own schedule!)

Please reach out to Melissa Delgado at with any questions, or fill out the interest form online: 

QR Code for Interest Form


Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, and Families