Terrace Ewinghill
Scientific Analyst I, Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED)

McClelland Park Room 315
650 N Park Ave
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0078
Terrace Ewinghill is a scientific analyst with the Community Research, Evaluation, and Development (CRED) team, which supports program evaluation and capacity building to promote the thriving of Arizona families.
Peace Corps, Perú
Teach for America/AmeriCorps, Phoenix
- Doctorate in Philosophy - Higher Education with a Multidisciplinary Minor in Applied Statistics, Center for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Arizona
- Masters in Education - Focus in Mathematics Instructional Techniques and Practices, Mary Lou Fulton Teacher's College at the Arizona State University
Areas of Expertise
Survey and non-survey data collection systems
Data wrangling, analysis, summarization, and visualization
Mentoring and supporting undergraduate and graduate research assistants
Current Projects
Cooperative Extension and 4-H youth development
First Things First State and Regional Needs and Assets
Pima UAZ STEM Bridge Program (Arizona’s Science, Engineering, and Math Scholars Program)
Black Hole PIRE: Partnerships for International Research and Education
Subjects Taught
SAS 100AX: Student Success Strategies in Math and Beyond (Undergraduate course)
Instructional Specialist Coordinator, lead on curriculum development with a team of instructors/TAs
HED 611: Statistical Analysis in Higher Education (Graduate course)
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Jameson D. Lopez in Fall 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
Select Publications
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Statewide Needs Assessment 2022 Data Dashboard
Request access: https://bit.ly/uace2022
Statewide Report:
Gildersleeve, R., Leih, R., Ewinghill, T., deBlois, M., Avery, D., Tanoue, K.H., Dominguez, V. & Walsh, M. (2023). UA Cooperative Extension Statewide Needs Assessment 2022 | Community Research, Evaluation and Development (CRED) Team in the Norton School of Human Ecology. https://norton.cals.arizona.edu/uace-needs-assessment-2022
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Needs Assessment Data Dashboard Code & GitHUB
Ewinghill, T., Scott, E.R., & Guo, J.. (2023). Code for "University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Needs Assessment 2022 Dashboard" (v1.0.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7931081
Book Article – Introducing Regression with Highly-structured Collaborative Learning
Ewinghill, T., Lazarewicz, A., Meza, C., Gambrell, B., Guerrero, D., & Lopez, J. (2023). An Introduction to Regression Using Critical Quantitative Thinking. In A Practical Guide to Teaching Research Methods in Education. Routledge. https://doi-org.ezproxy1.library.arizona.edu/10.4324/b23320
Dissertation – STEM Model for Transfer Experience and Sense of Belonging
Ewinghill, T. (2024). STEM Model for Transfer Experience and Sense of Belonging (Order No. 31486802). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ University of Arizona; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; ProQuest One Academic. (3086774638). https://bit.ly/dissertation-ewinghill-2024