Adam Clark, Ph.D.

McClelland Park Room 315H
650 N Park Ave
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0078
At the end of my sophomore year at Brigham Young University, I was faced with an important decision. My academic "Plan A" was to get into BYU's highly competetive animation program. But with about a 10% acceptance rate, I knew I needed a Plan B. So I enrolled in a family studies course for the following Fall semester to see if that might spark an interest and lead to something. I ended up falling in love with the subject matter and dedicated myself to studying families and relationships.
After completing my master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, I decided that I wanted to focus more on teaching young people principles of successful relationships. To borrow a phrase from one of my MFT instructors, I wanted to work upstream where the waters were still clear and hopefully keep them that way.
Marital relationships
Family dynamics
Marriage and family therapy
FSHD 237: Love, Intimacy, & Relationships
FSHD 257: Contemporary Families
FSHD 401: Basic Counseling Skills
FSHD 405: Intro to Counseling Theories
FSHD 487: Advanced Family Dynamics
FSHD 496Z: Media, the Family, & Human Development