Maureen E. Kelly, Ph. D

Originally from Newport, RI, I received my undergraduate and masters degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. My Ph.D. is from the Ohio State University in career and technical education.
When I came to the University in 1984 from the University of Wisconsin, I joined a faculty of two and a half as a Family and Consumer Science teacher educator. When that program was eliminated due to dwindling enrollment, I migrated to the Family Studies and Human Development faculty. I taught the Program Planning and Evaluation, Adolescent Development and Program Planning courses for about 10 years until I retired in 2016.
Known as an innovative teacher, I have been honored three times for my teaching prowess and professional contributions.
I have a daughter, Colleen Kelly Smith, who is employed by and will soon receive a masters degree in Leadership in Higher Education from the University of San Diego. Being a beach girl at heart, we visit she and her family (husband Collin, daughter Rory and son Ewan)as often as we can.
In retirement, I coach, write, travel and grow flowers.