Living Accession 6-325
Brongniartia sp.
Botanical Name
Seed Accession No.
930140DELEP Field
CAC Field 6Status
UnknownSurvived For
Planted 33 years ago
Survival and Performance
DateNo. PlantsNotes
1992(2)2 individuals planted in Jul
1993(2)1' tall, stems froze back 2-4" from tips, healthy (defoliated by caterpillars in 1992), flowers in fall 1992
1994(2)2' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, flowers/fruit fall 1993, flowers spring 1993
1995(2)2.5' tall, no freeze damage, severe caterpillar infestations, flowers in 1994, 1995
1997(2)1=dead-froze to ground and did not recover; 1=stems froze back 1' from tips, 2.5' tall, healthy, flowers only
2001(1)2.5' tall, fair condition, flowers only. This plant flowers for much of the summer but it is apparently too hot and fruit do not begin to develop until temperatures moderate in the fall. Developing pods were killed by freezing temperatures before they could mature. The plants were defoliated by caterpillars in most years.