Living Accession 6-116
Colutea istria
Botanical Name
Seed Accession No.
890385DELEP Field
CAC Field 6Status
UnknownSurvived For
Planted 35 years ago
Survival and Performance
DateNo. PlantsNotes
1990(4)4 individuals planted in Apr
1991(4)all dead due to rodent burrowing
1991(4)4 new individuals planted
1992(4)3'5' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, first flowers/fruit in 1992
1993(4)4-6' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, flowers/fruit
1994(4)4-7' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, flowers/few fruit
1997(4)5-9' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, flowers/fruit
2001(2)2=dead ca. 1999-cause undetermined, but plants had become shaded and may have been senescent, 2=6’/7' tall, fair-poor (senescent or drought), flowers/fruit
2004(2)1=6' tall, dead-cause undetermined but shading, drought or age could have been factors, 1=6.5' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, flowers/fruit
2006(2)4’/6.5’ tall, no freeze damage, stressed from drought and excessive shade from adjacent plants
2007(2)1=died-excess shade, 1=4’ tall, no freeze damage, declining due to shade and insufficient irrigation