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Arizona Cotton Variety Trials

2002 Upland Cotton Variety Trial Results
Lint yield and fiber quality

Somerton, AZ

Planting Date:
5 April Final Irrigation Date: 16 August Harvest Date: 7 September
Total Number of Irrigations: 8 Total N Applied: 153 lbs N/acre General Soil Texture: Sandy loam

Cooperator: Barkley Seed Co.
Company Variety Lint Yield Percent Lint Value6
    (lbs/Acre)    ($/acre)
Stoneville ST4892BR 1495.2 a1 35.3 bcd 752
Deltapine DP555BR 1305.0 ab 39.2 a 698
Deltapine SG215BR 1266.3 abc 35.7 bc 626
Stoneville ST4793R 1212.7 bcd 33.6 bcdef 615
Buttonwillow BR303 1207.3 bcd 32.8 cdef 604
Deltapine DP388 1182.6 bcd 34.9 bcd 647
Fiber Max FM658 1176.2 bcd 36.0 b 661
Fiber Max FM989BR 1117.3 bcd 34.3 bcde 592
Buttonwillow BR9801 1094.6 bcd 32.9 bcdef 569
Deltapine DP451BR 1062.1 bcd 32.4 def 545
Deltapine DP20B 1044.3 cd 31.7 ef 560
ACGA AG3601 982.0 d 31.2 f 516
LSD0.052   247 3.1 --
OSL3   0.0126 0.0007 --
CV (%)4   13.5 5.9 --

1Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to a Fisher's LSD means separation test.
2LSD: Least Significant Difference.
3OSL: Observed Significance Level.
4CV: Coefficient of Variation.
5Average premium or discount applied to the lint based on CCC loan schedule.
6Value of lint per acre based on CCC loan schedule of discounts and premiums and assuming a base value of 52.00 cents per pound.

Fiber Quality
Company Variety Fiber Length Staple Length Fiber Strength Uniformity Index Premium/
    (100ths) (32nds) (g/tex)   (points)
Stoneville ST4892BR 1.12 cde 36.3 cde 29.8 de 83.0 ab -171
Deltapine DP555BR 1.13 cde 36.5 cde 30.1 de 81.3 d 144
Deltapine SG215BR 1.07 f 34.0 f 26.1 g 83.0 ab -263
Stoneville ST4793R 1.11 ef 35.5 e 28.8 ef 82.0 bcd -119
Buttonwillow BR303 1.23 a 39.5 a 32.7 bc 83.0 ab 230
Deltapine DP388 1.11 de 35.8 de 30.0 de 82.5 abc 273
Fiber Max FM658 1.15 bcd 36.8 cd 32.4 bc 82.3 bcd 420
Fiber Max FM989BR 1.12 cde 36.0 cde 31.0 cd 81.7 cd 67
Buttonwillow BR9801 1.19 ab 38.0 b 33.0 b 83.7 a -50
Deltapine DP451BR 1.13 cde 36.5 cde 29.4 de 81.8 cd -68
Deltapine DP20B 1.11 de 35.7 de 27.1 fg 81.3 cd 137
ACGA AG3601 1.16 bc 37.0 bc 35.0 a 82.3 bcd 59
LSD0.052   0.04 1.2 1.9 1.2 --
OSL3   0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0115 --
CV (%)4   2.3 2.1 3.9 1.0 --

1Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to a Fisher's LSD means separation test.
2LSD: Least Significant Difference.
3OSL: Observed Significance Level.
4CV: Coefficient of Variation.
5Average premium or discount applied to the lint based on CCC loan schedule.
6Value of lint per acre based on CCC loan schedule of discounts and premiums and assuming a base value of 52.00 cents per pound.

Full Disclaimers

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, James A. Christenson, Director Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona.

The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities.

Any products, services, or organizations that are mentioned, shown, or indirectly implied in this web document do not imply endorsement by The University of Arizona.

Questions about this information may be directed to:
Mohammed Zerkoune, Extension Agent, Agriculture
College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona.

State-wide: Central Eastern Western Yuma
Regional: Maricopa Marana Safford Yuma

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