ART Lab computer users should allow common sense and
common courtesy to prevail over all their interactions with other ART Lab
computer users, this should be the first and foremost consideration. We should strive to continue to keep the ART
Lab an open and supportive learning environment. However, this being said some simple guidelines are required to
maintain a productive and harmonious work environment. Please read and adhere to the following
guidelines. These policies will be
enforced and ignorance of the policies will not be an acceptable defense.
Opening New Accounts
The ART lab is not an open access computer lab. Currently, the ART lab provides two types of
computer accounts: 1) Windows and 2) Unix.
All users of the computer resources in the ART lab are required to fill
out the Computer Access Request form that is available from the systems
administrator or on line at http://www.cals.arizona.edu/art/info/account.pdf. The form will ask for the name of an ART lab
sponsor, and your estimated starting and ending dates. This form
will need to be initialed by Craig Wissler (ART Director) before it will be
Sign up for access time is via the web using CARS .
There is a none reserved computer in room 203 to access CARS, or you can use any web browser to
schedule computers at the ART lab.
There are two type of disk space available to users.
1) Project
2) Personal
The system administrator will assign this disk space. Requests for project disk space are made by
filling out the Project Disk Space Request form available either from the
system administrator or on line at http://www.cals.arizona.edu/art/info/project_space.pdf. Project workspace should be used only for
tasks related to that particular project and not for thesis or dissertation
work/data as stated below. If a number of users will be working on a single project, then group can be created to allow several users acces to project files.
Requests for new groups should be made by filling out the Group Request form avaiable either from the system administrator or on line at
Allowable use of the personal workspace will be:
Packing/unpacking documents (i.e., scratch space)
Thesis/dissertation work
The personal workspace will have a quote as follows.
For those with Windows accounts you will have a folder with
your Windows user name on the x: drive available from all the Windows workstations. You will be required to navigate to this
drive for saving and retrieving your personal work. You should not use this space for any project work. Typically, 50 MB is the disk space allocated
to each user.
For those with Unix accounts you will have a directory
with your Unix login name. This
directory will be /net/echelon/opt5/home/username. You will automatically be placed in your home directory when you
first login on any Unix workstation.
You should not use this space for any project work. Typically, 50 MB is the disk space allocated
to each user.
Users will not be provides a hard copy of the ART lab
policy manual, but instead it will be expected that you have access to and have
read these policies on line at http://www.srnr.arizona.edu/ART/info/manual.htm
before you are granted access privileges.
Closing Accounts
Accounts will be closed after 6 months have elapsed from the "end data" supplied on the original
application form. Attempts will be made to verify with PIs the validity of the dates before closing any project accounts.
Accounts will be terminated at the pleasure of the Director of ART
Upon gradutaion students are encourged to notify the systems administrator
of ART of thier graduation so that arrangements can be made to gracefully remove home and projects related files
Emails can be sent to a "forward" address for short peiords of time while away from the office,
or will be forwarded for a period up to 6 months after closing of your account without prior arrangements with
the system administrtor. If longer periods are needed requests should be made to the systems administrator at ART
Creating a forward email account is done in your UNIX home directory. Create a
file with the name .forward in your home directory. This file should have but one line, namely our desired email address.
Email removal will depend on whether the content is related to project or personal matters.
See listings below for more detail.
Project email will be kept with the project data only if the systems administrator has
been notified that such email exists pior to the completion date of the project. If no arrangements are made
the emails will be destoryed when the project is archived.
Project data folders will be created for each project by the systems administrtor
and placed on \\famulus\famdata. The end user should create their own mapped drive letters to thier respective
project folders. If you have special requests, please address them to the systems administrator.
There is no mandatory file structure for your projects nor your own work space (x-files).
The internal structure is completely up to the user, although ART does reconmend a three folder structure just
below the root level of the project folder of 1) sourcedata 2) distribution and 3) production
By default all files will be owned (full read and write permissions) by the individual
user assigned to the project, and read permissions will apply to all ART group members. In cases where more
than one user is working with a project, a group permissions class will be created giving that group read and
write permissions to the files. At no time should a user believe that any of thier files are read restricted
from anyone else in the ART group.
The user’s home workspace (both on Windows and Unix) will be
backed up to tape and stored for 3 years, at which time the tapes will be
The project workspace (both Windows and Unix) will be backed up
to tape and stored for 5 years, at which time the tapes will be destroyed
Role of Principal Investigators
The Role of the Principal Investigator (PI) here at ART is to provide a contact between the
student researcher and the systems administrtion. This includes but is not limited to providing timely notification of
new project to come on-line as well as the archiving of completed projects. Also being inguaged with the
project to the extent that space requirments and software requirements are easily within grasp
Principle Investigators reserve the right to modify these
guidelines in response to extraordinary circumstances that may arise throughout
the normal course of events.