Discharge Sampling Procedure

Operators should have their emergency discharge sampling kit prepared prior to any discharge.


A. Sample Collection Locations

  1. Select a safe location to sample from. If possible, select a location which can be reached by hand. Samples can be collected from pipes, ditches, sheet flows, tailwaters containing pen or manure stack runoff, tailwaters containing parlor wash water, etc.
  2. Select a location with the highest concentration of wastewater where dilution from "clean water" is minimal.
  3. Collect samples from the discharge stream (flow) or pool. Never collect a sample from a lagoon. Collect samples prior to entering a water of the U.S. or prior to entering a conveyance to water of the U.S. However, conveyances can be sampled if the only water in the conveyance is water from the discharging facility.
  4. If possible and safe, select a location which can be sampled by hand (not having to use a dustpan, bucket, or other sampling device). The preferred method of sampling is by hand without any sampling devices.

B. Fecal Coliform Holding Time

All samples must be delivered to the laboratory within six hours of sampling.


    1. Fill preservative-containing sample bottles
    2. Fill unpreserved bottles
    3. Fill fecal coliform containers

Sampling Order Exception: If sampling from a ditch or deep sheet flow which can be sampled by hand by submersing the bottle in the wastewater, use the unpreserved bottle to fill the preserved containers, any sampling bags, and lastly fill the unpreserved bottle which had been used for filling the previously filled sample containers. Do not submerse bottles or bags containing preservative into the water to be sampled. Chances are high that some preservative will get out of the container.


A. Write the following information on all bottles and bags prior to sampling; facility name, sampler name, date of sampling, and time of sampling. If the duration or volume of the discharge is limited, write sampling information on containers after sampling.

B. Fill Containers.

For wastewater that can flow or be poured directly into the sample containers (from a pipe, off an edge, out of a dustpan, or out of a bucket), fill the preserved bottle first, then unpreserved bottle, and lastly fill any bags. Fill containers nearly to the top, but do not over fill preserved containers so as to cause an overflow of water. Do not place sample lids on the ground. Fasten lids tightly. Place bottles upright in ice chest. Try to keep soil and other contaminants out of sample containers.

For samples which are collected by submersing a bottle into a flow or pool (sheet flow, ditch, etc.), submerse and fill an unpreserved bottle. Use the unpreserved bottle to fill the bottles containing preservative and then fill any bags. Lastly, fill the unpreserved bottle with sample water. Fill containers nearly to the top, but do not over fill preserved containers so as to cause the bottle to overflow. Do not place sample lids on the ground. Fasten lids tightly. Place bottles upright in ice chest. Try to keep soil and other contaminants out of sample containers.

Whirlpac Bags - Fill bag to the fill-line, squeeze the air out of the bag, hold the bag by the tabs, spin the bag 3 or 4 times (don't let wastewater flip into your eyes while spinning the bag), fold tabs toward the bag. Keep bags out of sunlight. Place upright in ice chest.


    1. Fill out sample submittal form
    2. Fill out the chain-of-custody

Keep copies of lab forms and sample results with the best management practices plan records at your facility.


    1. Call the laboratory to let them know samples are coming in
    2. Samples must be delivered to the lab within 6 hours
    3. Samples must be stored in ice until delivered to the laboratory

Filling Sample Bottles

Don't let the samples bottles or lids touch the ground when sampling (keep them clean). Fill bottles completely. Fasten lids tightly.

Page updated 7/02
Acronyms and selected definitions

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