Collection and Storage of Agricultural Animal
Wastes and Wastewater: Fact Sheet
from Animal Wastes
Design and construction of waste collection
and storage systems must be adequate to handle normal runoff as
well as extreme rainfall events. If not designed correctly, nitrate
found in animal waste can contaminate local water supplies.
High concentrations of nitrate in drinking
water can affect your health. The federal and state drinking water
level for nitrate (measured as nitrate-nitrogen) is 10 milligrams
per liter. Levels above this are considered unsafe. Infants and
certain elderly people are the most susceptible to nitrate in water.
When these individuals drink water or eat foods that contain high
nitrate levels, their blood can lose the ability to effectively
carry oxygen. This condition is called "methemoglobinemia"
or "blue baby syndrome". Although the condition can be
fatal if not diagnosed quickly, it is easily reversed with medical
treatment. Livestock are also susceptible to health problems from
high nitrate levels.
of Wells, Livestock Yards, and Soil Characteristics
Wells should be located in elevated areas,
upslope from livestock yards. Wells should never be sited in areas
prone to flooding.
Soil characteristics are very important when
considering where to locate a livestock yard. Soil texture, depth
to water table, and infiltration rates affect the susceptibility
of groundwater to contamination.
Poor sites have shallow soils or a high water
table. Sandy or gravelly soils with excessive drainage and high
infiltration rates are also poor sites for livestock yards.
The best sites have deep clay or clay loam
soils, with low infiltration rates. If your livestock yard is located
on sandy soils, you can provide liquid-tight basins to store yard
Your Groundwater
There are measures you can take to reduce
the potential of nitrate from contaminating your groundwater supplies.
One of the most important things to remember is to keep all clean
water that enters your property clean, and to manage your wastewater.
Waterways, small berms, and roof gutters can
all be used to direct water away from livestock yards. An earthen
berm can be built across the slope, upgrade from a livestock yard,
to prevent clean runoff from entering the yard. If a berm is not
practical, a catch basin with a tile outlet can be installed above
the yard.
Polluted runoff from the yard should be collected
and channeled to an area where it will have minimal effect on surface
water or groundwater.
Control Systems
The absence of runoff controls in a CAFO can
lead to water quality problems. Contaminated runoff can seep down
into the groundwater supply, especially if the soil is sandy and
drains easily.
Runoff control systems can remedy such problem
situations. These systems collect runoff, settle out manure solids,
and direct the remaining water to open fields or filter strips,
away from streams, ditches, waterways, and areas of permeable soils
and creviced bedrock. Another option is to collect and store runoff
for later land application.
Best Management
Under current law, all CAFO operators have
a General Agricultural Aquifer Protection Permit. No application
is needed to receive this permit. As long as operators follow the
mandated BMPs and can show which GPs were employed to attain the
BMP goals, they retain the general permit.
The BMPs for CAFOs must be met
by the owners/operators to minimize the discharge of nitrogen pollutants
from their facilities.
The three mandated BMPs for CAFOs are:
BMP 1--Harvest, stockpile and dispose
of animal manure from a CAFO to minimize discharge of nitrogen pollutants
by leaching and runoff.
BMP 2--Control and dispose of nitrogen-contaminated
water resulting from activities associated with a CAFO, up to a
25-year, 24-hour storm event equivalent to minimize the discharge
of nitrogen pollutants.
BMP 3--Close facilities in a manner
to minimize the discharge of nitrogen pollutants.
Guidance Practices are methods used to achieve
BMP goals. For example, the application of animal waste to croplands
is one GP for the first BMP. Other GPs include diverting water that
originates outside a facility from running onto the facility; diverting
clean runoff from buildings away from facility pens; and designing
and constructing storage ponds to contain liquid waste runoff from
lots and pens.
The 25-year, 24-hour storm event equivalent
in BMP 2 refers to a "design storm", one that probably
will occur only four times in any given 100-year period. A facility
must be designed so that it does not discharge runoff to surface
navigable waters in any storm event that is less than the size and
length of a design storm.
Dry Lots versus Liquid Handling
Wastes from CAFOs are handled as either solids
or liquids. Liquid waste handling systems are found mainly on dairies
and swine farms. Cattle feedlots, nonflushed dairy pens or corrals,
nonflushed swine farms, poultry operations, sheep and goat corrals,
and horse stables have solids-dominated waste.
Dry lots include corrals, holding pens not
being washed, and nonflushed feed lanes. Important aspects of dry
lot waste management include
a. handling and storage of solid wastes;
b. proper corral/pen sealing against groundwater
c. containment of rainfall runoff; and
d. protection of the dry lot from run-on water.
Swine farms and dairies need liquid handling
systems to take care of the wastewater produced from the washing
and flushing of pens, feed lanes, and holding areas. The liquids
are usually conveyed to a central receiving and storage location,
either to a lagoon (anaerobic) or a pond (aerobic). Wastewater contained
in lagoons can either be applied to cropland or evaporated. Aerobic
ponds primarily serve only as evaporation ponds. Important aspects
of liquid-handling systems include
a. location of the waste ponds with respect
to soil types (for groundwater protection);
b. location of the waste ponds with respect
to potential flood zones (surface water protection);
c. adequate size of the waste conveyance and
storage structures;
d. lining of waste storage structures to prevent
deep percolation; and
e. protection of waste structures from rainfall
run-on water.
Liquid-handling systems often have a solid
separator to pull nonvolatile solids from the liquid, which are
then handled by the solid-handling system.
Safety precautions are necessary when working
around steep-sided ponds and lagoons. No one wants to run the risk
of falling into a pond or lagoon and coming into contact with contaminated
materials or drowning.
Entering nonvented, enclosed storage vessels
for cleaning or maintenance poses the hazard of breathing in noxious
gases. Some manure by-products (hydrogen sulfide and ammonia) can
cause asphyxiation in relatively low concentrations. Hydrogen sulfide
and methane are also flammable. Poultry and swine operations, often
have enclosed storage areas. Make sure these areas are properly
It is recommended that fences, barriers, and
warning signs be posted throughout the storage area.
Waste Management
Under state law, facility owners/operators
must follow BMPs. It is equally important to be able
to document how and where BMPs have been implemented. A waste management
plan is a written statement that provides the needed documentation.
Facility expansion and other changes in operations
can be addressed in a waste management plan. Prior to facility expansion,
it is important to determine whether there is enough land for application
of wastes; whether the treatment ponds and storage areas are large
enough; and whether there is adequate run-on/runoff control.
Waste management plans should contain the
following basic elements:
1. Drawing of the facility's capital structures
showing surrounding elevations and location of any water courses,
dry or not;
2. Location of the 100-year floodplain with
respect to the facility;
3. Any calculations made of the amount of
run-on/runoff water that must be contained;
4. Any calculations made of solid and liquid
wastes generated by the animals that must be managed, and any projected
increase in animal numbers;
5. Sizes of the capital structures of the
waste management system and the amount of wastes they are calculated
to handle (berms, conveyance pipes or canals, solid separators,
lagoons or ponds, and farmland for nutrient-enriched wastewater
6. Methods that will be used to minimize nitrate
movement if the facility should be closed or sold; and
7. Information on proper use of the wastes
on cropland, on well water quality, on other matters pertinent to
proper waste management as well as information from soil surveys.