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Jordan Activities 2003-2004

Members of our Technical Assistance Team made trips to Jordan this past fiscal year to start work on designing gardens, irrigation, and the use of bio-solids and wastewater re-use in Jordan.

Quarterly Report VIII for July-September, 2004 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash from the BRDC. (pdf format)

Jordan Visit - (September, 2004) Draft of design project by Ms. Karen Vitkay, Landscape Architecture Graduate Student, on the "Water Conserving Garden" for Aqaba. (pdf format)

Susan O'Shaughnessy traveled to Jordan during the month of August to install a weather station
at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Aqaba as a collaborative research project with Jordanian
scientists. She trained the people who would be working with this equipment while she was there.

Karen Vitkay, a graduate student in Landscape Architecture traveled again to Jordan during
August, 2004, to continue her work on the Water Conserving Garden. As a result of this trip,
many ideas were formulated and drafted into a working model of what the Water Conserving
Garden may look like when it is completed.

Jordan Visit - (August 10-12, 2004) Report by Dr. Peter Waller titled: "Presentation of Water Friendly Garden Irrigation Design for ASEZA" and "Planning for Reclaimed Water Balance for City of Aqaba". (pdf format)

In July of 2004, Drs. Ramzi Touchan and David Meko gave a workshop at Hashemite University in
Jordan on Sustainable Water Resources Management: The Role of Proxy Records in Understanding
Drought and its Influence on Reclaimed Water Resources. It was well attended. (pdf format)

Jordan Visit - (June 4-11, 2004) Dr. Prabhu Dayal, Adjunct Research Scientist, Department of Soil,Water & Environmental Science went to Jordan to discuss the development of Carbon Sequestration Credits by wastewater re-use in Jordan for sustainable forestry management with representatives from many of the Jordanian institutions. His report, "Summary & Recommendations for Jordan IALC Project" is available. (pdf format).

Quarterly Report VII for April-June, 2004 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash from the BRDC. (pdf format)

In May and June, 2004, a number of the Technical Assistance Team went to Jordan to attend the
WEPIA Water Demand Conference. They were Dr. Christopher Choi, Dr. Peter Waller, Dr. Chuck Gerba, Dr. Dima Kayed, Dr. David Meko, and Jamie Naranjo. After attending the conference, everyone participated in a workshop that was given in Amman on the History and Status of Bio-solids Research, Progress, and Plan: Bio-solids Reuse, Irrigation Methods on Microbial Health Risk during Wastewater and Bio-solids Reuse; and Bio-solids Dewatering and Drying Technologies. It was a well-attended workshop with a lot of ideas and information exchanged between everyone who participated.

Quarterly Report VI for January-March, 2004 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash from the BRDC. (pdf format)

Jordan Visit - (December 15 to January 13, 2003) Report submitted by Dr. Erin Addison, Graduate Student in landscape Architecture titled: "Wadi Musa Reclaimed Water Re-use Pilot Project". (pdf format) attended the WEPIA Water Demand Conference and then went to Wadi Musa to work on the demonstration garden and Visitors' Center. She is working with different institutions in Jordan to design and implement this project.

Jordan Visit - (December 29, 2003 - January 12, 2004) prepared by Susan O'Shaughnessy, Ph.D. student reviewed by Dr. Chris Choi, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721, U.S. Susan went to Jordan to work with ASEZA and the Royal Scientific Society concerning the use of bio-solids and wastewater re-uses in Aqaba. (pdf format)

Jordan Visit - (December 13-22, 2003) prepared by Dr. Peter Waller, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. The University of Arizona. Four part report - "Planning for Demonstration Site for Mafraq Treated Wastewater and Water Balance for City of Aqaba", (pdf format), " Landscape Bubbler Irrigation System Design" (pdf format), "Landscape Irrigation Strategies in Aqaba" (pdf format), and "Landscape Irrigation Water Requirements. (pdf format)

Jordan Visit - (December 12-21, 2003) prepared by Dr. Ramzi Touchan, Research Specialist, Senior, Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, The University of Arizona. Dr, Touchan visited Jordan to investigate the feasibility of sustainability and dendrochronology in Jordan. He wanted to get acquainted with Jordan and its climates as well as meet Jordanian scientists that he would be working with if a study is to be done. (pdf format).

Karen Vitkay, a graduate student in Landscape Architecture at the University of Arizona went to
Jordan from December 29, 2003 until January 12, 2004 to work with Jordan officials at the Badia
and ASEZA to plan for the Water Friendly Garden. She worked on possible designs for the garden and visited different sites to determine what might be the best plants to use in the garden.

Dr. Margaret Livingston, Department of Landscape Architecture, The University of Arizona, and two graduate students, Dr. Erin Addison and Karen Vitkay visited Jordan in October to meet with Jordanian representatives and USAID personnel to discuss the possibility of designing a garden in Aqaba and a visitor's center and demonstration garden in Wadi Musa. (pdf format)