Oklahoma Soil Surveys and Maps To request surveys or to find web soil surveys contact the Oklahoma
state office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Comanche County
SU: A 57.69/2:C 73
CA: United States. Soil Conservation Service.
TI: Comanche County, Oklahoma, soil interpretive map, soil potential for
surface irrigation, soil potential rating.
ED: Scale ca. 1:126,720 (W 98051'--W 98004'/N 34053'--N 34024').
SO: [Stillwater, Okla.?] : The Service, 1981.
PY: 1981
PD: 1 map : col. ; 47 x 60 cm
NT: "Base map prepared by the Geological Survey in cooperation with the Soil
Conservation Service."
Includes vicinity map.
"3-80 4-R-36 516."
DE: Irrigation-Oklahoma-Comanche-County-Maps.
SU: A 57.38: C73
AU: Hubert L. Mobley and R.C. Brinlee
CA: United States Agriculture Department; Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station
TI: Soil survey: Comanche County, Okla.
SO: [Washington]; United States Agriculture Department. Soil Conservation Service;
PY: 1967
PD: cover title, ii + 58 p. il. 98 p. of pl. and maps, 1 tab., 4
DE: soil-survey-Oklahoma-Comanche-County