Nebraska Soil Surveys and Maps To request surveys or to find web soil surveys contact the Nebraska
state office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Buffalo County
SU: A 21.6/5a: G764
AU: W. Edward Hern and James L. Burgess
CA: United States Agriculture Department; Bureau of Soils
TI: Soil survey of Grand Island area [Also in: Field operations of bureau,
1903, 5th report, by Milton Whitney, H. doc. 746 [pt.1], 58th Cong. 2d sess.]
SO: [Washington]; United States Agriculture Department. Bureau of Soils, 1903
PY: 1903, 1904
PD: 23 p. 1 il. map
DE: soil-survey-Grand-Island-Buffalo-County-Nebraska
SU: A 26.5/a: K124
AU: J.O. Martin and A.T. Sweet
CA: United States Agriculture Department; Bureau of Soils
TI: Soil survey of Kearney area
SO: [Washington]; United States Agriculture Department. Bureau of Soils, 1904
PY: 1904, [1905]
PD: 20 p. 1 il. 3 maps
DE: soil-survey-Kearney-Buffalo-County-Nebraska
SU: A 47.5: 924/3
AU: F.A. Hayes, A.N. Huddleston, and M.H. Layton
CA: United States Agriculture Department. Chemistry and Soils Bureau; University of
Nebraska State Soils Survey Department of Conservation and Survey Division
TI: Soil survey of
SO: [Washington]; United States Agriculture Department. Chemistry and Soils Bureau,
PY: 1928
PD: cover title, 56 p. il. map
DE: soil-survey-Buffalo-County-Nebraska
SU: A 57.38: B86
AU: [Louie L. Buller, Robert S. Pollock, Rafael A. Boccheciamp, Charles L. Hammond,
Hal Hill, and John A. Elder
CA: United States Agriculture Department. Soil Conservation Service; University of
Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division
TI: Soil survey: Buffalo County, Nebr.
SO: [Washington, D.C.] : United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation
Service; 1974
PY: 1974
PD: cover title, [1] + 86 p. il. 83 p. of pl. + maps, 4
DE: soil-survey-Buffalo-County-Nebraska