Get to know the CALES Outstanding Students for fall 2024

Each semester, the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES) recognizes undergraduate and graduate students who have gone above and beyond within their fields of study. These Outstanding Students, nominated by faculty within the college, have demonstrated their commitment to both their academics and their community. We’re proud to have you in our college!
This semester, 17 students will be honored with this award during the CALES Convocation on December 20, 2024. For more information about Convocation, please visit the website.
We asked each of these Outstanding Students to reflect on their time in CALES and share their most memorable highlights. Recounting their experiences with inspirational faculty and staff, life-changing research opportunities, meaningful extracurriculars, and favorite courses -- get to know the Fall 2024 Outstanding Students:
The Fall 2024 College Outstanding Seniors
Maddy Fischahs
CALES Outstanding Senior Award (Main Campus)
Human Development & Family Science

Memorable highlights:
“CALES was the highlight of my college career! During my time in CALES, I had a wonderful time being an undergraduate teaching assistant and aiding students with their success. I loved getting to know the professors and staff on a deeper level while making lasting connections that are going to extend beyond my time at the University of Arizona. I deeply enjoyed every class I took during my undergraduate career, especially human development classes. I am deeply grateful for the enriching experience I received while being a CALES student. Thank you everyone for your continuous love and support!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Maddy plans on being a missionary with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). After mission, she plans on attending graduate school to achieve her goal of becoming a counselor.
The Fall 2024 Department Outstanding Seniors
Linnea Berggren
Outstanding Senior Award
Fashion Industry's Science & Technology

Memorable highlights:
“Over my time in CALES, I have connected most with two of my professors, Maggie Keef and Elizabeth Heuisler. I have had the opportunity to be an undergraduate teaching assistant for Professor Keef for two semesters, as well as being a student in many of her classes. Over this time, she has become an important mentor and resource for me and helped to guide my time as a FITS major.
I was also able to have her as an advisor along with Elif Kavacki during my time as an officer in the club Haus of Style. Professor Heuisler has been another mentor for me as I navigate what comes after undergrad. She was one of my first professors at UA and has helped me grow during my time in CALES.
My favorite memory has been attending New York Fashion Week after winning the NYFW competition. It was an amazing experience that brought an important perspective to my future career in the fashion industry. Overall, I have loved my time as a CALES student and have enjoyed getting involved in any way I can. I am so grateful for the experiences I have had and can't wait to see what the future holds.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Linnea plans to attend graduate school and pursue a master’s degree in either management or fashion business. She is currently applying to universities in Sweden and the UK.
Jessica Collazo
Outstanding Senior Award
Environmental Science

Memorable highlights:
“My favorite thing about being an environmental science student has been the amazing people I've had the chance to learn from. Dr. Ikner, Dr. Fidel and Dr. Curry all made me feel seen. They remembered my name even in large class sections and were always willing to meet and answer any questions I had. I could tell they really cared about how we did. It's people like them that make the university great and that made this degree worth pursuing.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Jessica wants to do science outreach and education. She hasn’t decided if she wants to do that as a high school science teacher in a traditional classroom setting, as a National Park Ranger, or in a related field. She says, “Education is the foundation for meaningful action, and I want to help build that foundation for future generations, so we can all work towards making the world a better place.”
Reven Francis
Outstanding Senior Award
Biosystems Analytics & Technology

Memorable highlights:
“One of my favorite interactions is with my advisor, Dava Jondall. She has guided me through BAT while supporting my future career in dentistry. I would never have been able to become the youngest and earliest person to graduate in my degree program without her help, and I owe everything I've become to her.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduating from the University of Arizona, Reven plans to pursue a career in dentistry. He will apply to the dental assistant program at Pima Community College, which will help him gain hands-on experience in the dental field and prepare for the Dental Admissions Test. Once he has completed his DAT and applied to dental schools, he aims to specialize in endodontics, ultimately providing care as an endodontist.
Kathryn Panferov
Departmental Outstanding Senior
Sustainable Plant Systems

Memorable highlights:
“I have really valued my time in CALES. My most valuable experience has been working as a researcher in Dr. Rebecca Mosher's lab. I have been able to work with various plant species and strengthen my molecular biology skills. I have thoroughly enjoyed my courses in CALES, too. I will be forever grateful for my education and research experiences in CALES.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Kathryn will work as a research technician in an epigenetic plant lab before beginning her PhD program in plant biology/breeding in the fall.
Jose Alonso Pena Jr.
Outstanding Senior Award
Animal Sciences

Memorable highlights:
“My time in CALES has been memorable. Being connected with many people in my industry got me the opportunity to work the Breeders' Cup, as well as find my true passion."
Post-graduation plans:
Jose plans to work as a Horse Racing investigator.
Shaun Sarvis
Outstanding Senior Award
Environmental Science

Memorable highlights:
“I really enjoyed having opportunities to meet and help other students as a mentor, a preceptor and a learning assistant. Those interactions helped me feel more connected to the university and really strengthened my own understanding of those courses. I cannot thank Dr. Fidel enough for her guidance, patience and enthusiasm; I rediscovered my love for science in Intro to Soil Science. I'm also appreciative of the CALES students I was able to meet and interact with, whether they were studying on campus or online. I don't think I have ever found so many fellow hikers in one place, and I will miss seeing pictures of everyone's adventures! I will always be grateful for what CALES has done for me during my undergraduate years.”
Post-graduation plans:
Shaun will be attending Black Hills State University for his Masters of Science in Sustainability. He hopes to further his experiences and education so he can help conserve the wetlands and grasslands of the Great Plains while creating educational outreach programs for schools.
The Fall 2024 Exceptional Performance and/or Service Award
Adithi Peedoly
Exceptional Academic Performance and Service to the Research Mission

Memorable highlights:
“I participated in ASEMS [Arizona's Science, Engineering, and Math Scholars] during freshman and sophomore years and got to know Teresa, who was awesome and helped me to find a research lab to gain more experience. ASEMS also helped me to apply to the Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP), where I met a lot of faculty members -- mainly Dr. Schomer, who has been my mentor for about a year and a half. UBRP helped me develop my communication and networking skills, and I have gained more research experience. Dr. Baltrus, Dr. Arnold, Dr. Wilbur and Dr. Xiong have had a lot of impact on my education as a microbiology major.”
Post-graduation plans:
Adithi plans to work as a lab technician to improve her research skills. Her career goal is to become a scientific researcher in microbiology and maybe a professor. She intends to do a PhD here at the University of Arizona.
Sarah Phillips
Exceptional Academic Performance and Service to the University Award
Nutritional Sciences

Memorable highlights:
“My time in CALES has been absolutely amazing. My favorite clubs/organizations on campus were Wildcats C.A.R.E, Pre-Physician Assistant Honorary, and CALES ASEMS [Arizona's Science, Engineering, and Math Scholars]. I would like to personally thank Teresa Cortez from CALES ASEMS for being one of my biggest supporters throughout my time in CALES!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduating from the University of Arizona, Sarah plans to apply to physician assistant programs around Arizona to hopefully begin graduate school in 2026.
Ciena Zavala
Exceptional Academic Performance and Service to the Community Award
Nutrition & Human Performance

Memorable highlights:
“First, I want to say thank you to CALES for allowing me to pursue a major in nutrition and human performance, which genuinely sparked my learning and interests. During my time in CALES, I gained knowledge and experience within the numerous internships offered throughout my four years at the University of Arizona.
One of my favorite CALES memories is being an undergraduate intern with the strength and conditioning coaches for the University of Arizona Athletics. This internship allowed me to make meaningful connections with current NHP students and athletes while also learning, gaining knowledge and receiving feedback from professionals in the field.
Additionally, being a preceptor for Professor Young for two semesters has been instrumental in allowing me to gain valuable teaching experience and reinforce my understanding of the course material of NSC 306 by explaining it to others. I am truly grateful to have learned under Professor Young, as this preceptorship has helped me to develop strong communication and leadership skills. I am responsible for guiding and supporting the students in their learning or answering questions about the new NHP major. This preceptorship has allowed me to build a strong rapport with Professor Young and gain insight into the academic profession, and that has been a rewarding experience that contributed to my personal and professional growth.
Lastly, I am volunteering for a program run by the University of Arizona called MexZona. With this program, a team of medical professionals, undergraduate students and graduate students from the university goes down to Rocky Point, Mexico, to open three clinics providing healthcare to under-served people. I serve as a translator for medical professionals and have even been allowed to learn exams, therapeutic modalities and treatments. Being able to use my background and culture to make a positive impact on a community that is important to me pushed me to continue making waves in the healthcare industry, especially as a physical therapist.
A piece of advice I would give to my fellow Wildcats is always to keep learning through opportunities and experiences. I have learned to apply to anything and everything throughout my time in CALES because you never know what you may gain from an internship, job, volunteer opportunity, etc., that you can use in your future career.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Ciena will continue to work at Body Central Physical Therapy as a physical therapy technician and intern as a strength and conditioning coach at the University of Arizona Athletics. In the spring, she plans to pursue a career in fitness and nutrition by obtaining her CSCS before starting physical therapy school in the fall.
CALES Outstanding Students, no submission:
Pierson Nitz Caldwell
Departmental Outstanding Senior
Plant Sciences
Colin Colas
Departmental Outstanding Senior
Nutritional Sciences
Julio Cortez
CALES Outstanding Senior (Yuma Campus)
Sustainable Plant Systems
Marcos Heras
Exceptional Academic Performance and Perseverance
Agricultural Systems Management
Grace Aroz Moscoso
Meritorious Teaching Award Doctoral
Human Development & Family Science
Andrew Soderberg
Meritorious Teaching Award Masters Level
Environment & Water Resource Economics
Emma Vandervort
Departmental Outstanding Senior
Applied Biotechnology
Some submissions may be edited for length or clarity.