Summary |
-- a university of arizona
course on methods and approaches for studying the future
This is a collection of
the key observations from the course. It can be thought of as the "course
at a glance". Pick the areas you would like to review. As you move through
these choices, you will find even more choices, so depending on what you are
looking for, this review could take you a little time.
Futures Overview
- A listing of short
or long comments on what futures is all about.
Futures Shortcourse
- A way of reviewing
the course highlights in a few pages (aboug 20-40 if all are printed).
Roadmap for studying the future
- This is a quick lesson
in studying the future. Take it with you when you have to give a speech
on the subject.
Transformation Map - Making Change
- A graphic that gives
an in-depth futures study in a one page summary, using a major transformation
even as the template. More in-depth information is available by selecting
various boxes. The map is explained in the 'big
picture' page.
The Change Codes
- How to make change happen
- Prepared by Joe Flower
in San Francisco. There is a lot of information here on change, but the
29 codes are useful as brief reminders about how you need to approach projects
that involve substantial change in the way things are done.
My Own Views
- Includes paradigm shifts,
hints, observations, and what I have learned about futures studies over
the years.
Glossary of Terms
- Common futures terms
Return to "Anticipating
the Future" course home page
Prepared by Roger L. Caldwell