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Human Training and Capacity Building (Afghanistan/Pakistan Component - UIUC)


A trip was made by Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan to USAID/Kabul to present copies of NWFPAU's capability statement to the officials at USAID/Kabul and government officials on the training of Afghan Nationals in Pakistan. (pdf format)

Dr. John Santas along with Dr. Oval Myers traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan in from October 8-25, 23003 to assess the training needs and to discuss long-term planning as we move into a four-year extension of the IALC/USAID Cooperative Agreement. (pdf format)

Dr. Oval Myers made a trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan along with Dr. John Santas from October 8-25, 2003 to reestablish professional and personal linkages with the leadership of the NWFPAU and to meet with representatives of USAID Missions in Pakistan and Afghanistan to discuss and obtain support for the four-year extension of the IALC/USAID Cooperative Agreement. (pdf format)

Dr Zar Quresh visited Afghanistan during the period December 11-22, 2003. He went to Kabul and Nangarhar to evaluate the situation there and to make recommendations. (pdf format)

At the same time Dr. Anwar F. Chishti visited the same region to report on the educational aspects of the Afghan people and arranging for short and long-term training. He also spent time developing linkages between educational institutions in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. ( pdf format)

Terms of Reference - Faculty members of the Institute of Business Management Sciences/Computer Sciences (in a consulting capacity) in collaboration with the UIUC Field Director met to develop a course on "Enterprise Development and Management skills. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report, 2003 - March 1, 2009 ,2003 - July, August, September, 2003. Most of the quarter was spent gathering and assembling information for the four-year extension of the Cooperative Agreement. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report VI - January, February, March, 2004. Two courses were taught this quarter, "Orchard and Nursery Management" and "Sustainable Use of Water Resources". RAMP Chemonics provided a buy-in with AID/Kabul for $400,000 in supplemental funding to support training programs for the balance of Fiscal Year 2003-2004. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report VII -April, May, June, 2004. A series of month-long courses were offered this quarter - two at Kabul University and two at NWFPAU. Five faculty members from Nargarhar University in Jalalabad and five from the Faculty of Agriculture at Kabul University have been selected to pursue M.Sc. degrees. ( pdf format)

Quarterly Report IX - October, November, and December, 2004. This quarter was mainly focused on trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan by Drs. Santas and Myers and a trip to UIUC and SIUC by Dr. Addul Qayyum Khan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report X - January, February, March, 2005. An update on activities and funding is covered in this quarterly report. Two short courses were completed and two additional courses were convened. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XI - April, May, June, 2005. The team is now working towards the more distant goal of building an in-country capacity to deliver training programs. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XII - July, August, September, 2005. The principal output this quarter was the preparation of the Scope of Work for Fiscal Year 2005-06. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XIII - October, November, December, 2005 submitted by Dr. John Santas and Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XIV - January, February, March, 2006, submitted by Dr. John Santas and Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XVI - April, May, June, 2006, submitted by Dr. John Santas and Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XVI- July, August, September, 2006, submitted by Dr. John Santas and Dr. Abdul Qayyum Kahn. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XVIII - October, November, December, 2006, submitted by Dr. John Santas and Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XIX - January, February, March, 2007, submitted by Dr. John Santas and Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan. (pdf format)

Water and the Environment (Jordan Component - UofA & BRDC)

From December 28th to January 7, 2004 Dr. Chris Choi went to Jordan for our ongoing project. He met with people from different agencies to discuss the biosolids project, tour WWTP constructions on project sites, and to review the curre3nt status of the collaborative agreement to name a few objectives. (pdf format)

Dr. Christopher Choi and Dr. Peter Waller went to Jordan from July 21st to the 29th, 2003. The primary objectives of this visit were to initiate collaborative research activities in the biosolids project and to identify potential collaboration in the areas of biosolids treatment and safe reuse. They also met with representatives and officials of different institutions to work out and initiate collaborative research and implementation activities dealing with wastewater use and reuse that would benefit Jordan.

Dr. Prabhu Dayal traveled to Jordan to assess and identify the feasibility of a carbon sequestration project for wastewater reuse in Jordan for sustainable forestry management. (pdf format)

While in Jordan Ms. Dima Kayed, a Ph.D. candidate assessed and evaluated the different laboratories' capabilities. She made two trips which resulted in two reports - Phase I and Phase II.

Dr. Erin Addison went to Jordan - December 15, 2003 to January 13, 2004 to work on the Wadi Musa Reclaimed Water Re-Use project and submitted a report on her findings as well as a timeline for implementing the project. (pdf format)

The New Mexico State University (NMSU) team went to Yemen to present the Scope of Work to the Yemen USAID Mission and representatives of the four universities they were going to be involved with in a training capacity. (pdf format)

A trip report was submitted by Richard Phillip for the NMSU team's visit to Yemen. The objective of this trip was to provide project Management Training to the Universities of Sana'a, Dhamar, Ibb, and Aden. (pdf format)

A conference on "Implementation of Anaerobic Sewage Treatment in the Middle East with a focus on Jordan and Egypt: A Low-Cost, Low-Energy Alternative was presented in Cairo, Egypt with Dr. Jim Field as lead organizer. It was well- attended and well-received by all who participated. (pdf format)

Dr. Jim Field met with Dr. Jules van Lier at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, to talk about the implementation of UASB Technologies in Jordan.

A report was submitted by Robert J. Freitas, Project Director for a November 16-23, 2002 trip in which to begin IALC USAID/ANE funded cooperative agreement activities in Jordan that deal with wastewater reuse, appropriate reuse of treated wastewater, and bio-solids reuse. (pdf format)

A detailed plan with drawings and designs for a Water Conserving Garden in Aqaba, Jordan was prepared and presented by Karen Vitkay, a graduate student in Landscape Architecture. (pdf format)

A trip to Jordan in October, 2203 was made by Dr. Margaret Livingston, Landscape Architecture, and two graduate students, Dr Erin Addison, and Karen Vitkay to investigate the implementation of the Aqaba Water Friendly Garden and the Wadi Musa Wastewater Treatment Plant Visitor's Center and Demonstration site. A report was prepared for this trip. (pdf format)

Dr. Peter Waller traveled to Jordan to meet with officials in Aqaba and Mafraq to discuss plans for dealing with wastewater and water balance at these two sites. A report, "Planning for Demonstration Site for Mafraq Treated Wastewater and Water Balance for City of Aqaba resulted from this trip. (pdf format)

"Landscape Bubbler Irrigation System Design," by Dr. Peter Waller was developed with a discussion on how to plan an irrigation system using bubblers in Aqaba, Jordan. (pdf format)

Another paper, "Landscape Irrigation Strategies in Aqaba" was submitted by Dr. Waller demonstrating how the Desert Irrigation Research and Training Center's (DIRT center) irrigation strategies would be appropriate for use in Aqaba. (pdf format)

Lastly, Dr. Waller presented a paper, "Landscape Irrigation Water Requirements" that uses a study done on plants that have a low-water usage or use little water. This study also categorizes plants as to whether they use low, medium, or high amounts of water. (pdf format)

Quarterly Reports I through V are composite reports incorporating all of the Project's components, edited by Robert J. Freitas, Project Director. Quarterly Report I, Quarterly Report II, Quarterly Report III, Quarterly Report IV, and Quarterly Report V.

At this point a decision was made to keep the quarterly reports separate from each other and enter them in the individual components' page.

Quarterly Report IV - January 1 - March 31, 2003, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report V - October 1 - December 31, 2003, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report VI - January 1 - March 31, 2004, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report VII - April 1 - June 30, 2004, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report VIII - July 1 - September 30, 2004, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report IX - October 1 - December 31, 2004, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report X - January 1 - March 31, 2005, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XI - April 1 - June 30, 2005, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XII - July 1 - September 30, 2005, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XIII - October 1 - December 31, 2005, submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XIV - January 1 - March 31, 2006 submitted by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of BRDC for . (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XV April-June, 2006 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)

The objectives of the trip to Jordan in November and December of 2004 by Dr. Ramzi Touchan was to conduct a six-moth post-evaluation of a workshop that was conducted during July 11-15, 2004, and to survey significant institutions and individuals concerning water resource utilization and sustainability. (pdf format)

This trip to Jordan was taken by Dr. Ramzi Touchan to conduct a workshop in Jordan at Hashemite University on: "Sustainable Water Resources Management: The Role of Proxy Records in Understanding Drought and its Influence on Reclaimed Water Resources." (pdf format)

Dr. Ramzi Touchan went to Jordan in December of 2003, to investigate the possibility of using tree ring and other proxy records, such as archaeological and geological records in sustaining agricultural wastewater re-use in Jordan. (pdf format)

Susan O'Shaughnessy, a Ph.D student working with Dr. Christopher Choi went to Jordan to continue meetings which Dr. Choi had initiated in the area of the bio-solids project. (pdf format)

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Agribusiness - Economic, Marketing (Jordan Component - NMSU & BRDC)
Agribusiness - Economic, Marketing (Yemen Component - NMSU)

The New Mexico State University (NMSU) team traveled to Yemen to assess the quality and qualification of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Sana'a to learn what their role is and how the relate to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Regional Agricultural Development Authority, and the private sector; and how they undertake and share applied research, provide outreach and extension, train students, and help farmers have a better life. (pdf format)

Upon completion of this trip a report was written evaluating the Findings and Recommendations by the team.

The NMSU team went to Yemen from September 27 through October 4, 2004. During this time project management was conducted for the Universities of Sana'a, Dharar, Ibb, and Aden. Multidisciplinary and multi organizational project proposals were initiated for northern and southern Yemen. The team emphasized strengthening the universities' roles in teaching, research, and extension. (pdf format)

Jim Libbin and Octavio Ramirez went to Israel and Jordan from June 28th until July 9th to meet with USAID representatives and then BRDC. They also toured farm areas and talked with farmers about their crops and how they market them. (pdf format)

During March of 2006, Jim Libbin, Rich Phillips, and Carlos Rosencrans went to Israel to meet with USAID representative Mike Martin about the Westbank/Gaza plans, but he said everything was on hold for the time being. They then travelled to Jordan to visit farms and talk with farmers and other representatives concerning the agribusiness project. (pdf format)

Rich Phillips and Jim Libbin submitted a final report on their trip to Israel to present a summary of the Yemen project to the IALC Technical Advisory Committee and then travelled to the Westbank and Amman, Jordan to get acquainted with the USAID official working on the Westbank/Gaza initiative and then they went to Amman, Jordan to work with USAID and the Badia Research and Development Centre. (pdf format)

The NMSU team submitted a quarterly report for April, May, June, 2006. It was prepared by Dr. Octavio Ramirez. (pdf format)

Dr. Raed Al-Tabini submitted a quarterly report to Dr. Octavio Ramirez for April-June, 2006. (pdf format)


Quarterly Report I - October 1 - December 31, 2003, submitted by Dr. Octavio Ramirez from NMSU. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report II - January 1 - March 31, 2004, submitted by Dr. Octavio Ramirez from NMSU. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report III - April 1 - June 30, 2004, submitted by Dr. Octavio Ramirez from NMSU. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report IV - July 1 - September 30, 2004, submitted by Dr. Octavio Ramirez from NMSU. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report VI - January 1 - March 31, 2005, submitted by Dr. Octavio Ramirez from NMSU. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report VII - April 1 - June 30, 2005, submitted by Dr. Octavio Ramirez from NMSU, (pdf format)

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Afghanistan Electronic Libraries Rebuilding Activity (UofA)

Quarterly Progress Report July,2006. Submitted by Carla Casler and Atifa Rawan.(pdf format)

Quarterly Progress Report August, 2004, submitted by Barbara Hutchinson, Carla Casler, and Atifa Rawan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Progress Report October, 2004, submitted by Barbara Hutchinson, Carla Casler, and Atifa Rawan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Progress Report Januarty, 2005, submitted by Barbara Hutchinson, Carla Casler, and Atifa Rawan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Progress Report April, 2005, submitted by Barbara Hutchinson, Carla Casler, and Atifa Rawan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Progress Report July, 2005, submitted by Barbara Hutchinson, Carla Casler, and Atifa Rawan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Progress Report October, 2005, submitted by Barbara Hutchinson, Carla Casler, and Atifa Rawan. (pdf format)

Quarterly Progress Report January, 2006, submitted by Barbara Hutchinson, Carla Casler, and Atifa Rawan. (pdf format)

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