Water & Human Health
Educational Resources
Note: the entire Arizona Water Quality Educational Materials document
is available as a PDF file (828 kB).
Table of Contents

Fact Sheets

Title: Arsenic in Drinking Water
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ1112,
1999, 2 pp., PDF (25 kb)
Title: Choosing Home Water Treatment Devices
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ9420,
1994, 1 p., PDF (28 kb)
Title: Drinking Water Standards
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ1009,
1998,42 pp., PDF (31 kb)
Title: Health Effect of Drinking Water Contaminants
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ1008,
1998, 2 pp., PDF (33 kb)
Title: Is There Lead in Your Drinking Water?
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ9417,
1994, 1 p., PDF (28 kb)
Title: Laboratories Conducting Soil, Plant, Feed, or Water Testing
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ1111,
1999, 1 p., PDF (20 kb)
Title: Microorganisms in Your Well Water
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ9415,
1994, 1 p., PDF (28 kb)
Title: Nitrates in Your Drinking Water
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site:http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ9416,
1994, 1 p., PDF (27 kb)
Title: Reverse Osmosis Units
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site:http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ9419,
1994, 1 p., PDF (28 kb)
Title: Shock-Chlorination of Domestic Wells
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ9418,
1994, 1 p., PDF (28 kb)
Title: Test Your Well for Safety
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site:http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ9414,
1994, 1 p., PDF (28 kb)
Title: Water Facts Series
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: $1.75
Audience: general public
Abstract: 1994, 72 pp.
Title: Water Wells (FARM*A*SYST)
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Web Site:http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/quarterly.html
Phone #: 520-621-7177
Cost: free on web
Audience: general public
Abstract: Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet AZ1018,
1998, 2 pp., PDF (31 kb)

Idea Booklets for Hands-On Activities

Title: Arizona Water Quality Education Activities for Grades K-8
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Address: Yuma Agricultural Center, 6425 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ
Web Site: http://ag.arizona.edu/waterquality/activitiesindex.html
Phone #: 520-621-7221
Cost: free
Audience: youth (grades K-8)
Abstract: This activity booklet includes directions for ten hands-on
activities demonstrating drinking water, groundwater, and surface water
concepts and a glossary. Each activity consists of the purpose of the
lesson, background material for the teacher, list of materials, procedures,
and extensions to the lesson. 26 pp.
Title: The Tapwater Tour
Source: LaMotte Company
Address: P.O. Box 329, Chestertown, MD 21620
Web Site: http://www.lamotte.com
Phone #: 800-344-3100
Cost: $23.45 (plus shipping and handling)
Audience: youth (grades 3-8)
Abstract: The goal of this hands-on test kit and mini-curriculum
is to have students discover their drinking water for what it really is.
This program introduces students to scientific thought while stimuating
curiousity and enthusiasm. 1989
Title: The Water Sourcebooks
Source: Water Environment Federation
Address: 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1994
Phone #: 800-666-0206
Web Site: http://www.wef.org
Audience: youth (grades K-2, 3-5, 9-12)
Abstract: Educational program of supplemental activity guides targeting
kindergarten through high school. Each 3-ring binder includes five chapters:
Introduction to Water, Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment, Groundwater
Resources, Surface Water, and Wetlands and Coastal Waters. All activities
include "hands-on" components and are designed to blend with
existing curricula in the areas of general science, language arts, math,
social studies, art, and, in some cases, reading or other areas. 1998

Displays - Tabletop

Safe Drinking Water
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Contact: Kitt Farrell-Poe
or the following County Extension Offices: Cochise, Graham, La Paz, Maricopa,
Mohave, Navajo Nation, Yavapai
Phone #: 520-621-7221
Cost: free for loan
Audience: general public
Abstract: 3-panel tabletop booth display concerning topics
of safe drinking water: testing, treating, and protecting. Approximate
size: each panel = 22 " wide x 32" tall - three panels require
a minimum of a 6' table. Click
here or on image to enlarge.

PowerPoint Presentations

Title: Drinking Water Scams (with notes pages)
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Contact: Kitt Farrell-Poe
Phone #: 520-621-7221
Cost: free
Audience: general public
Abstract: This presentation, based on Dr.
Jim Hairston's presentation,
makse people more aware of dirnking water scams so they can better recognize
them and deal with them accordingly.
slides. Available as PDF
file (contains only slides; 2,161 Kb).
Title: Safe Drinking Water (with notes pages)
Source: Arizona Cooperative Extension
Contact: Kitt Farrell-Poe
Phone #: 520-621-7221
Cost: free
Audience: general public
Abstract: Overview of drinking water standards and home water
treatment devices. 50 slides (14,508 KB), 2001
Material last reviewed:
June 3, 2011
© 2000 The University of Arizona. All contents copyrighted.
All rights reserved.
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