Water Quality Programs/Activities
Name of Program/Location/Point of
Santa Cruz County Cooperative Extension
Dean Fish, County Director
3241 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 6
Nogales, AZ 85621-3917
(520) 281-2994
e-mail: dfish@ag.arizona.edu
At this time there are no programs focusing on water
resources education. County Director Dean Fish sees a definite need for
programs that focus on Youth Development (K-8) and their understanding
of water issues in Santa Cruz County. He sees a need for studies in the
following areas:
- water quantity (currently the Friends of the Santa Cruz River monitors
river flows),
- how to feed and water available cattle,
- how water tanks work and their value in water management,
- development of an International Wastewater Treatment Plant,
- water quality for residential and environmental uses, and
- water conservation and pollution.
Other ideas include:
- High school students taught to mentor their classmates and the community
in Water Conservation and Natural Resource Preservation.
- A Low Water Use Demonstration Garden located at the County Complex.
- There are at least ten elementary schools, three middle schools, and
three high schools in Santa Cruz County that could benefit from a Youth
Development Program.
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