Water Quality Programs/Activities


Name of Program/Location/Point of Contact:

Mohave County Cooperative Extension
Robin Grumbles, County Director
101 E. Beale Street, Suite A
Kingman, Arizona 86401-5827
(928) 753-3788
email: grumbles@ag.arizona.edu

Description of Programs:

Water Management/Conservation Program: This program is intended to increase community awareness of best management practices (BMPs) for indoor and outdoor water use. These programs are delivered as presentations workshops and demonstrations in schools, civic groups, and special forums. Master gardener programs are delivered as training workshops or demonstrations at garden centers throughout the county.

Water Quality Program: This program is directed primarily at onsite water treatment systems (e.g. septic tank and drain field).

Audience: The above programs serve the Mohave County communities. By adapting the delivery method, these programs are offered to people from age 10 to seniors. Mohave County personnel conduct education programs in Laughlin, Nevada, upon request.

Current Status: The University of Arizona Mohave County Cooperative Extension employs one part time instructional specialist focusing on water. This agent works in partnership with many individuals and agencies to continue the programs as described. The funding for these programs depends upon grants from local, state, and federal agencies.

Impacts: Public outreach and other education programs improve residents understanding of water resources and water quality issues. The water quality waste-water treatment system program increases citizen awareness of problems associated with onsite septic system failures.

Lessons Learned: Developing an education program, writing educational material, or offering workshops do not constitute an effective community outreach program. The key to effective community outreach is person-to-person communication and follow-up. Effective community outreach requires an aggressive marketing effort.

Curriculum/supplies list: Contact Robin Grumbles

  • Visual aids have been produced for landscape irrigation practices.
  • Low water use plant guide and water facts bulletin have been produced (Contact Robin Grumbles).
  • Limited grey water research has been conducted and results published in a bulletin (Contact Robin Grumbles).
  • Two thirty-minute television programs have been produced and are available on video tape.
  • Groundwater flow model and septic model available for check out.

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