Water Quality Programs/Activities
Name of Program/Location/Point of
Apache County Cooperative Extension
Joyce Alves, County Director
P.O. Box 369
St. Johns, AZ 85936-0369
(928) 337-2267
e-mail: jalves@ag.arizona.edu
At this time there are no programs focusing specifically
on water resources education.
Description of Activity:
Water Day: Youth education day to introduce water resource
education to students in St Johns. Included a walk down to the Little
Colorado River as well as simple water flow and water quality measurements.
Audience: Upper Elementary to Middle School students
Current Status: This was a special event not an annual event
planned by the Education Program Coordinator at the Water Resources
Research Center.
Impacts: Water resources were brought to the student's attention
focusing on the Little Colorado River.
Lessons Learned: Students signup ahead of time and pay a small
fee to ensure attendance.
Supply list: Contact Joyce Alves
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