Decision Making
J. (1988). Thinking and Deciding. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University
This book discusses
factors relevant to educating children to be better thinkers and
decision makers. The four main sections of the book address
different issues: thinking in general; probability and belief;
decisions and plans; and the teaching of thinking and decision
making. The ideas in this book are explored based on a
search-inference framework, where thinking and decision making can
be described as inferences made from possibilities, evidence, and
goals that are discovered through searching. |
J., Granato, L., Spranca, M., & Teubal, E. (1993). Decision-making
biases in children and early adolescents: Exploratory studies.
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 39, 22-46.
This article describes
three studies which examine decision making biases of children and
adolescents. Age and group differences are considered. Deficiencies
such as failure to take probabilities into account, to think of
frequencies as relevant to probabilities, or to think about the
precedent-setting effects of choices were found with early
adolescents. Since these factors are considered important to making
decisions, it is suggested that instruction in these areas may be
warranted. |
J. E., Ganzel, A. K. (1993). Decision-making in adolescence. Are we
asking the wrong question? Advances in Motivation and Achievement, 8,
This comprehensive
article discusses the motivational and developmental issues which
influence adolescent decision making. The authors argue that these
important factors are often absent from the adolescent decision
making literature and that they lead to asking different questions.
The authors discuss how self-investment in outcomes is what
motivates adolescent decision making. The influence of such factors
as goals, attitudes, values, emotional states and self-beliefs on
decision making are considered. |
I., & Mann, L. (1977). Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of
Conflict, Choice, and Commitment. New York: Free Press.
An early contribution to
the decision making literature. The authors? comprehensive and often
cited theory of decision making is based on conflict theory, whereby
the recognition of the need to make a consequential decision creates
psychological stress, and consequent decisional conflict. The
authors indicate factors which may influence decisional conflict:
cognitive ability, threats to social status, and self-esteem, and
they discuss five coping patterns associated with decisional
conflict. They suggest several criteria leading to what is called
?vigilant information processing.? Based on the belief that internal
standards are an important part of making a decision, the authors
suggest a balance sheet where gains and losses to self and others
and approval and disapproval from self and others are weighed. |
L., Harmoni, R., & Power, C. (1989). Adolescent decision-making: The
development of competence. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 265-278.
This article reviews
research on decision-making competence in adolescence. The review
focuses on cognitive aspects of decision-making. Nine indicators of
competence are discussed: choice; comprehension; creativity;
compromise; consequentiality; correctness; credibility; consistency;
and commitment. It is suggested that by middle adolescence, most
adolescents have achieved a reasonable level of competence. Barriers
to decision making competence also are discussed. |
J. D., & Adams, G. R. (1983). Adolescents and the decision-making
process. Theory Into Practice, 22, 98-104.
This article reviews the
literature on adolescent decision making, including how effective
adolescents are in decision making and what methods they use. Major
factors affecting the decision making process are discussed. The
authors view adult-level competency in decision making as a
non-linear process. |
Decision Making Strategies/Styles
I. A., & Mann, L. (1993). Coping patterns in adolescent decision
making: An Israeli-Australian comparison. Journal of Adolescence, 16,
This article describes a
cross-national study of decision coping patterns in adolescents.
Confidence in decision making and tendencies to use various
decision-coping patterns were measured. Group and gender differences
were found, yet for both the Israeli and Australian samples,
decision coping patterns reduced to two distinct clusters: a
vigilant strategy and maladaptive strategies, thus showing evidence
that decision-coping patterns have cross-cultural validity. |
J. (1985). Children's decision strategies and their adaptation to task
characteristics. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,
35, 179-201.
This article looks at
decision making as an important type of strategic problem solving.
The strategic decision behavior of children is examined,
particularly the ability to adapt decision strategies to task
characteristics. It was found that by the age of twelve, children
understand many aspects of strategic decision making, and that they
modify their strategies appropriately in response to task
complexity, as do adults. Factors which affect decision strategy and
differences between adults and children are discussed. |
C., Luszcz, M., Mann, L., & Beswick, G. (1991). A metacognitive
analysis of decision making in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence,
In this study, early and
middle adolescents were compared on three categories of
metacognitive knowledge as they relate to decision making: person
knowledge; task knowledge; and strategy knowledge. It was determined
that by middle adolescence understanding of what is involved in the
activity of decision making is well developed. Correlations were
found between metacognitive knowledge of decision making, decision
making style and performance. |
Legal Contexts
D. (1993). Adolescent reasoning and adolescent rights. Human
Development, 36, 27-40.
In this article, the
author discusses the often inconsistent assumptions concerning the
intellectual competence of adolescents and how this impacts their
rights to make decisions for themselves. With a focus on
intellectual freedom, a "rebuttable presumption of adolescent
maturity" is suggested as being the most compatible with
current psychological evidence. The author argues that a consistent
view of adolescents is needed, and an adolescent as adult view is
supported. A review of research on adolescent reasoning in different
domains, including decision making ability, is included. |
E. S., Reppucci, N. D., & Woolard, J. L. (1995). Evaluating
adolescent decision making in legal contexts. Law and Human Behavior,
19, 221-244.
A decision making
framework designed to evaluate judgment in legal contexts is
discussed in contrast to the informed consent framework. The authors
suggest that important developmental factors be considered in
evaluating adolescent judgment in relation to decision making. Three
judgment factors are explored: temporal perspective; attitude toward
risk; and peer and parental influence. |
L., & Cauffman, E. (1996). Maturity of judgment in adolescence:
Psychosocial factors in adolescent decision making. Law and Human
Behavior, 20, 249-272.
The focus of this article
is the question of whether or not adolescents are less
psychologically mature than adults, and how maturity impacts
judgment and decision making ability. Three psychosocial aspects of
maturity of judgment are examined: responsibility, temperance, and
perspective. Greatest differences are found not between adolescents
and adults, but between early adolescents vs. mid- to late
adolescence. Conclusions are discussed in regard to the treatment of
adolescents under the legal system. |
Family Influences/Processes
J. E., & Mann, L. (1990). The relationship between family structure
and process variables and adolescent decision making. Journal of
Adolescence, 13, 25-37.
The relationship between
family structural (socio-economic status, type of family, family
size) and process variables (cohesion and adaptability,
parent-adolescent communication, parental conflict resolution
skills) and adolescent participation in family decision making and
vigilant decision making is examined. Findings pointed to the
importance of family environment in the socialization of adolescents
in sound decision making. Gender differences also were found. |
S. M., Carlsmith, J. M., Bushwall, S. J., Ritter, P. L., Leiderman, H.,
Hastorf, A. H., & Gross, r. T. (1985). Single parents, extended
households, and the control of adolescence. Child Development, 56,
This study utilized a
large national sample of adolescents to investigate the
interrelationships among family structure, patterns of family
decision making, and deviant behavior of adolescents. Mother-only
families were compared to two-parent families in their ability to
control adolescents. Many interesting findings resulted from this
study due to its comprehensive nature; general findings indicate
family structure and family decision making variables are related to
adolescent deviance. |
J. R., & Olivette, M. J. (1993). Perceptions of parental control and
the development of indecision among late adolescent females.
Adolescence, 28, 963-970.
This study examines the
relationship between adolescent females' perception of parents'
authority style (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive) and their
own tendency toward decisional procrastination. Parenting style was
found to influence adolescent decision making ability. Daughters who
perceived both parents high in an authoritarian style indicated
stronger indecision tendencies. |
A. J., & Eccles, J. S. (1993). Perceived parent-child relationships
and early adolescents' orientation toward peers. Developmental
Psychology, 29, 622-632.
This article cites a
study which examines the link between childrens? perceptions of the
manner in which they and their parents adjust their relationships
during early adolescence, and early adolescents' orientation toward
parents and peers. Lack of decision making opportunity for the
adolescents and no change in parental assertion and power were found
to be factors in extreme peer orientation and advice seeking. The
importance of an adjustment of parent-child relationships in
adolescence is discussed. |
J. E., Bennett, M. A., & Flanagan, C. (1993). Decision making in
one-parent and two-parent families: Influence and information selection.
Journal of Early Adolescence, 13, 245-266.
In this article, a study
is described which investigated two factors thought to be important
to understanding adolescent decision making: selection and ranking
of information; and individual family members? influence on decision
outcomes during the transition from preadolescence to early
adolescence. The two age groups are compared within both one- and
two-parent families. In general, results revealed differences
between parents and their children for both information selection
and influence. |
M. L. (1993). Adolescents? contributions to family decision making.
Marriage and Family Review, 18, 241-253.
A model for adolescent
participation in family decision making is presented. The study
cited in this article examined the relationship between early
adolescents? perception of involvement in family decision making to
perceived locus of control and critical thinking skills and parents?
perceptions of their family decision making. Results showed that
adolescents who feel in control of what happens to them take more
active roles in family decision making. |
Health-Related Decisions
N. E., & Rosengard, C. (1996). Adolescent contraceptive behavior:
Raging hormones or rational decision making? Oskamp, S., & Thompson,
S. C. (eds.). Understanding and preventing HIV risk behavior: Safer sex
and drug use, pp. 31-56. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
In this chapter the
authors discuss current trends in adolescent sexual behavior within
the context of the debate over adolescent ?rationality.? An
important discussion of rational models of decision making is
included. Two studies are discussed concerning contraceptive
decision making. Although results of the studies show that
adolescents are not completely rational, the authors challenge the
assumption of adolescent irrationality in decision making.
Implications for interventions and social policies conclude the
chapter. |
A., Slovic, P., Severson, H., Mertz, C. K., & Gerrard, M. (1995).
Adolescent health-threatening and health-enhancing behaviors: A study of
word association and imagery. Journal of Adolescent Health, 17, 143-152.
The purpose of the study
cited in this article was to examine the ways in which perceived
risks and benefits relate to health-threatening and health-enhancing
behaviors by adolescents. Adolescents? cognitions and affective
reactions associated with five health-threatening behaviors and
three health-enhancing behaviors were examined. Results showed a mix
of positive and negative reactions for each behavior.
Health-threatening behaviors had many positive associations in
common. Reactions were closely associated with participation in the
behaviors. |
L. L., & Jacobs, J. (1996). Consultant choice across decision
contexts: Are abortion decisions different? Journal of Adolescent
Research, 11, 235-260.
This article describes a
study which explores the consultation patterns of older adolescents
for four different types of decisions: abortion; medical; future
oriented; and interpersonal. The results indicated that the
consultant patterns differed for each type of decision, thus
suggesting the importance of context in adolescent decision making.
L. M., & Warheit, G. J. (1992). The pre-adult health decision making
model: linking decision-making directedness/orientation to adolescent
health-related attitudes and behaviors. Adolescence, 27, 919-948.
This article presents a
model for adolescent health behavior which takes into account the
differential information processing from peer sources, parent
sources, or through critical or reflexive self-analysis. It also
contains a literature review on adolescent development and
adolescent health behaviors, specifically concerning AIDS and STDs. |
Consumer Decisions
S. (1996). Adolescent consumer decision-making styles: The consumer
socialization perspective. Psychology and Marketing, 13, 547-569.
The study described in
this article examined the social factors thought to characterize
adolescents' consumer decision-making style. Eight different styles
were proposed associated with the influence of socialization agents
and antecedent variables. Socialization agents including peers,
parents, printed media, television commercials and consumer
education were found to influence consumer decision-making style.
Antecedent variables such as gender, ethnicity, main reason for
working and the amount of parental allowance were correlated with
consumer decision-making style. |
College Decision Making
K. M., & Kozberg, S. E. (1996). Adolescents' experience of a
life-framing decision. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25, 3-16.
This article cites a
year-long longitudinal study which examined the college decision
making process. Students reported feeling more certain of their
decision, more comfortable with their approach to the decision, more
confident in their ability to make the decision, and more satisfied.
The perception of the process as difficult, stressful and pressured
changed little over the process. It was concluded that students do
experience stress in making this decision, and in many ways perceive
it as a life-framing one. |
College Decision Making
Information on career decision making is typically found within the
larger body of literature on career/vocational/occupational development.
Many measures of vocational choice, including interest inventories, are
available. Theories of career decision making can be conceptualized as
having unique features and as being broader and more inclusive than
theories of general decision making.
C. (1997). Sex differences in the career development of urban
African-American adolescents. Journal of Career Development, 23,
The purpose of the study
cited in this article was to determine whether sex differences exist
in career maturity for African-American urban youth and to examine
the career choice expectations and educational plans of these youth.
African-American females were found to have higher career maturity,
as is consistent with other studies of non-minority groups.
Educational plans were found to be consistent with occupational
expectations for both males and females. Implications of these
findings for counseling and education are discussed. |
N. A. (1994). Annual review (1991-1993): Vocational choice, decision
making, assessment, and intervention. Journal of Vocational Behavior,
45, 125-176.
This article offers a
comprehensive review of the current literature in the areas of
career decision making, vocational assessment, career choice and
career counseling and intervention. Although the review is
considered representative, rather than exhaustive, a sizable number
of articles are reviewed. |
I., Krausz, M., & Osipow, S. H. (1996). A taxonomy of difficulties
in career decision making. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43,
This article presents a
new theoretical model of difficulties in career decision making, by
considering decision theory in the context of career decision
making. Difficulties in career decision making are grouped into ten
distinct categories. A questionnaire, Career Decision Difficulties
Questionnaire, was developed for the purpose of testing the proposed
taxonomy of difficulties. The development and testing of the
questionnaire and the process of refinement of the taxonomy are
discussed. |
S. H., & Fitzgerald, L. F. (1996). Theories of Career Development.
(4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
The purpose of the book
is to examine and evaluate current theoretical and empirical
findings relevant to the vocational decision making process. The
authors describe the major theories of career development, assess
them in regard to their adequacy as theories, examine research
relevant to them, compare them to one another, and comment on their
potential utility. |
Decision Making and Risk-Taking
K. E., & Bryan, E. S. (1983). Adolescent beer drinking: Subjective
expected utility and gender differences. Youth and Society, 15, 157-170.
The purpose of the study
described in this article was to determine whether subjective
expected utility (SEU) accounts for the sex difference in beer
drinking by persons at ages when many make initial decisions about
their drinking behavior. Attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol
were assessed with mostly twelve year olds. Findings indicated that
SEU accounted for the relationship between sex and beer drinking. |
K. E., & Udry, J. R. (1981). Subjective expected utility and
adolescent sexual behavior. Adolescence, 16, 528-535.
Subjective expected
utility (SEU) is a concept often used to characterize the weighing
of the expected positive and negative consequences of behavior. In
this article, the authors report research conducted to assess the
relationship between SEU and the sexual behavior of adolescents. Sex
and race differences are examined. |
A., Slovic, P., & Severson, H. (1993). A psychometric study of
adolescent risk perception. Journal of Adolescence, 16, 153-168.
This article describes a
study which assesses how adolescents think about risk. High school
students evaluated different activities in regards to perceived risk
and benefit. Perceptions of risk were found to correlate with
self-reported participation. Implications for theory, research and
for health education and intervention programs are discussed. |
R., Austin, L., Fischhoff, B., Palmgren, C., & Jacobs-Quadrel, M.
(1993). Perceived consequences of risky behaviors: Adults and
adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 29, 549-563.
This article describes a
comprehensive study comparing adults and adolescents regarding the
generation of possible consequences for either accepting or
declining opportunities to engage in risk behaviors. Response
patterns were found to be similar for adults and adolescents. The
differences between the consequences produced for one-time versus
regular risk behaviors and open-ended versus closed-ended
questioning also are discussed. |
D. R. (1993). Social status group differences in motivations for drug
use. Journal of Drug Issues, 22, 631-644.
The results of an
exploratory study on adolescent drug use reveal three themes upon
which students from different social backgrounds may be
differentiated with respect to their decision making processes about
illegal drug use: different motivations; different experiences and
feelings about various institutions in our society; and different
attitudes regarding the efficacy of social norms. |
V., Johnson, S., & Kaplan, D. (1992). Predictors of adolescent
female decision making regarding contraceptive usage. Adolescence, 27,
The relationship of
cognitive capacity, cognitive egocentrism, and experience factors to
decision making in a contraceptive usage problem was examined in
this study. Cognitive capacity and cognitive egocentrism were
significantly related to five of seven decision making variables. |
B. (1992). Risk taking: A developmental perspective. Yates, J. F. (ed.).
Risk-taking Behavior, (pp. 133-162). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
This chapter discusses
the complex interaction between risk taking and adolescent
development. Cognitive, affective and social development are
considered and examined regarding their influence on the risk taker.
A decision making perspective is discussed whereby risk taking is
viewed as a deliberate choice. |
L., & Beyth-Marom, R. (1992). Risk taking in adolescence: A
decision-making perspective. Developmental Review, 12, 1-44.
This comprehensive
article uses a decision-making perspective to review literature on
risk taking in adolescence. An assumption is made that risk taking
involves making a choice and that any choice entails some risk. An
understanding of risk taking must, therefore, consider the decision
making process. Differences between adolescents and adults in
decision making (such as how consequences are perceived) are
examined using this approach as well as myths of adolescent decision
making. The advantages of such an approach are presented and the
implications for education are discussed. Alternate views of risk
taking also are examined. |
M., Fischhoff, B., & Davis, W. (1993). Adolescent (In)vulnerability.
American Psychologist, 48, 102-116.
This article discusses a
study which disputes the often believed view that adolescent risk
taking is a function of adolescent invulnerability. Adolescents and
adults were compared in their ratings of the probability that they
and several target others would experience various risks. Although
both adolescents and adults viewed others as facing somewhat more
risk than themselves, there were no pronounced differences between
the responses of adults and adolescents. |
B., Siegel, A. W., Cousins, J. H., & Rubovits, D. S. (1993).
Adolescent risk-taking: An analysis of problem behaviors in problem
children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 55, 277-294.
In this article,
adolescent risk taking is explored from several theoretical
positions: Jessor's problem-behavior perspective; risk taking as
normal and adaptive; adolescent egocentrism; and a decision making
perspective. Adolescent risk taking is argued to be a
multidimensional phenomenon involving personality correlates and
cognitive aspects of decision making. |
C. J. (1994). A cognitive understanding of adolescent suicide. Genetic
Social and General Psychology Monographs, 289-307.
This article explores
suicide as a decision. A number of cognitive concepts as they apply
to suicide - decision making, the development of a suicide schemata,
covert rehearsal, cognitive rigidity and time perspective are
examined. The importance of distortions of time perspective is
highlighted. |
S. E., & Vincent, M. L. (1995). Sexual decision-making among rural
adolescent females. Health Values, 19, 47-58.
Direct and indirect
effects of demographic and psychosocial factors on female
adolescents' decisions to engage/not engage in premarital sexual
intercourse were examined. The Interactive Model of Client Health
Behavior provided a framework to explain the interrelationships
among the variables. Findings support the idea that adolescent
sexual decision making is a complex process. |
A. W., Cousins, J. H., Rubovits, D. S., Parson, J. T., Lavery, B., &
Crowley, C. L. (1994). Adolescents' perceptions of the benefits and
risks of their own risk taking. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral
Disorders, 2, 89-98.
The study described in
this article assessed older adolescents? (college students)
perceptions of the benefits and consequences of risk taking
behaviors and how these perceptions are related to their behavioral
involvement. Perceived benefits were positively correlated with
reported involvement. |
S. S., & Clarke, B. A. (1992). Decision-making patterns in
adolescent mothers. IMAGE: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 24, 69-74.
The authors propose a
framework for examining the maturity of decision making patterns of
adolescents. The model is applied to adolescent parents. Several key
elements of adolescent decision making, such as thinking patterns,
risk taking behavior, identity development, coping and goal
planning, are discussed. Research issues and measurement techniques
in regard to adolescent decision making are reviewed. |
P. V. (1993). The ability of adolescents to predict future outcome.
Part1: Assessing predictive abilities. Adolescence, 28, 533-555.
This article explores the
idea of adolescents as risk takers. The author reviews the
literature and discusses the assessment/intervention of planning and
decision making skills. A focus is on factors which influence
adolescents' orientation toward the future, namely predicting future
outcomes. A previewing technique is discussed intended to assist in
the prediction of future outcomes. |
K., & Robbins, R. L. (1981). Adolescents' perceptions of the costs
and benefits associated with cigarette smoking: Sex differences and peer
influence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 10, 353-361.
This study examined young
adolescents' perceptions of the costs and benefits of cigarette
smoking considering two variables: sex of the adolescent; peer
smoking habits. Both variables were found to influence endorsement
of particular costs and benefits. |
Jr., B. E., & Hern, A. L. (1991). Perceptions of vulnerability to
pregnancy and the use of effective contraception. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 17, 104-110.
This article describes a
study conducted to determine whether the lower pregnancy risk that
sexually active college women attribute to themselves relative to
average others results from underestimating their own risk or
overestimating others' risk. The perceived differences are then
considered regarding contraceptive use. Risk estimates were found to
be higher for others than for oneself or one?s best friend. |
G. (1989). Decision-making under conditions of risk: Assessing
influential factors. The Emporia State Research Studies. Emporia, KS:
Emporia State University.
The study presented in
this article focuses on assessing the ability of a decision-making
model to correctly predict subjects preferences between two
alternatives, one of which is highly valued but less probabilistic,
and the other less valuable but more probabilistic. A review of the
literature on risk and decision making from several different
perspectives is included. |
T. (1996). Society's retributive response to juvenile violence: A
developmental perspective. Law and Human Behavior, 20, 229-247.
This article examines
theoretical and empirical challenges to a national trend toward
increasing punitive determinate sentences in juvenile court, and
automatic transfer of juveniles to criminal court for serious
violent offenses. Adolescent decision making ability and other
characteristics of adolescents are considered. |
J., & Brown, R. V. (1991). Teaching decision making to adolescents.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
This book contains
chapters written by leading scholars in the field of adolescent
decision making. The book addresses a need to include thinking and
decision making in school curricula. The book contains general
information on decision making and presents and examines several
decision making programs for adolescents. |
B. W. & Davis-Berman, J. (1994). A review of the chance to grow
project: A care project for pregnant and parenting adolescents. Child
and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 11, 493-506.
This article reports on
the progress and outcome of a program for pregnant and parenting
adolescents who were exposed to intensive decision-making counseling
and case management services. Outcomes at the two-year follow-up
included a much higher placement of adoption (a desired outcome),
higher levels of school retention, economic self-sufficiency and
more responsible sexual behavior on the part of the program
participants as compared to a control group. Exact means of
assessment are not discussed. |
M. J., Gara, M. A., Schuyler, T. F., Branden-Muller, L. R., &
Sayette, M. A. (1991). The promotion of social competence: Longitudinal
study of a prevention school-based program. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 61, 409-417.
This article describes a
follow-up study of a two-year, elementary school-based social
decision making and problem solving program aimed at the promotion
of social competence. At the follow-up, between four and six years
later, program participants showed higher levels of positive
prosocial behavior and lower levels of antisocial, self-destructive
and socially disordered behavior compared to the control group. The
overall effects were found to be beneficial, although overall
strength of effects was not large. The authors suggest that
interventions in elementary school are necessary but not sufficient
as protective factors; opportunities to build on learning through
middle school and high school are needed. |
L., Harmoni, R., & Power, C. (1991). The GOFER course in decision
making. Baron, J., & Brown, R. V. (eds.). Teaching decision making
to adolescents, pp. 61-78. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
In the GOFER course, the
importance of both cognitive and motivational factors to effective
decision making are considered. The course instructs students in the
steps of quality information processing in decision making. Each
letter in the word GOFER stands for one step in the process of
effective decision making adapted from Janis and Mann's (1977)
conflict theory of decision making. The course also addresses how to
take control and responsibility for decisions, how to recognize the
effects of confidence on decision making, and how to deal with
social pressures when choosing an option. After students are
instructed in the GOFER strategy for sound decision making, they are
given opportunities to apply what they have learned to five
important areas: decision making in groups; friendship decisions;
subject choice in school; money decisions; and the application of
decision principles to various professions. GOFER is a well know and
widely implemented program. |
J. A. (1981). Improving adolescent decision-making skills. Curriculum
Inquiry, 11, 279-295.
This article describes a
curriculum development project based on a model for enhancing
adolescent information processing skills relevant to decision
making. A set of five skills considered essential to effective
decision making are introduced in the program intended for early
adolescent students. The article discusses the assessment of the
program in three different studies. The program was found to be
effective in enhancing the skill development of four of the five
requisite skills. |
D. L., Tebes, J. K., Arthur, M. W., & Tapasak, R. C. (1992).
Two-year follow-up of a social-cognitive intervention to prevent
substance use. Journal of Drug Education, 22, 101-114.
This article describes a
two-year follow-up study of the Adolescent Decision Making Program
implemented when students were in the sixth grade and intended to
prevent adolescent substance use. The social-cognitive approach
includes the teaching of: decision making skills; group process
skills; and social network utilization skills. The emphasis is on
social influence factors and the teaching of coping skills. The
intervention was found to maintain a positive effect on mean tobacco
use, yet no differences were found for mean alcohol, marijuana or
hard drug use. |