Family Involvement/Accommodation and Adaptation
Demonstrates involvement and support for child’s needs
Percent of parents attending school conferences
Percent of families attending school programs
Percent of families with appropriate support to meet their child’s needs
Percent of families providing environments supportive of their child’s education and learning
Percent of families who are knowledgeable about community resources and who are connected to appropriate service service providers/agencies
Percent of families with appropriate parenting skills to anticipate and meet developmental needs of children
Percent of families living in safe environments
Has access to resources to support child
Makes adaptations, accommodations, or necessary compensations to achieve outcomes in each of the major domains
Percent of families who make arrangements to provide extra opportunities and resources for child’s development
Outcome Indicator Sources of data
Percent of family members who attend and participate in community based programs in which their child is enrolled
Family surveys or interviews
Teacher surveys or interviews
Local or state statistics
Parent/teacher ratings using scales or checklists
Social service agency records
Program and school records
Applied from NCOE Ysseldyke model