The following is a list of species known to occur on the Pinaleño Mountains, Graham County, Arizona.
It has been adapted from "Birds of the Pinaleņo Mountians", USDA Forest Service, Safford Ranger District
Photo by John Dempsey | Photo by John Dempsey |
Summer Species |
Habitat codes for the folowing table:
(lack of a symbol indicates bird may be found throughout)
R = Riparian areas such as Wet Canyon, Noon Creek and Gillespie Wash.
W= Open Water, ponds, stock tanks and reservoirs such as Frye Mesa Reservoir.
D= Desert scrub, mesquite-creosote bush habitats, desert grasslands, arroyos or washes such as along lower Swift Trail and Hwy 266.
J = Various combinations of juniper with oaks, pinon pine and manzanita such as above Noon Creek to Arcadia on South and west facing slopes and Stockton Pass.
P = Ponderosa (and other) pines and Douglas-fir along Swift Trail from Arcadia to Riggs Lake.
S = Spruce-fir belt above Old Columbine Cabins to the summits.
I = Areas near ranch houses such as Angle Orchard.
Species | Abundant | Common | Fairly Common |
Rare | Casual or Accidental |
Uncommon | Habitat |
Great Blue Heron | |||||||
Turkey vulture | |||||||
Sharp-shinned Hawk | |||||||
Cooper's hawk | |||||||
Northern Goshawk | |||||||
Swainson's Hawk | |||||||
Zone-tailed Hawk | |||||||
Red-tailed Hawk | |||||||
Golden Eagle | |||||||
American Kestrel | |||||||
Peregrine Falcon | |||||||
Wild Turkey | |||||||
Montezuma Quail | |||||||
Scaled Quail | |||||||
Gambel's Quail | |||||||
Common Moorhen | |||||||
Rock Dove | |||||||
Ban-tailed pigeon | |||||||
White-winged Dove | |||||||
Mourning Dove | |||||||
Greater Roadrunner | |||||||
Common Barn Owl | |||||||
Flammulated owl | |||||||
Western Screech-Owl | |||||||
Great Horned Owl | |||||||
Northern Pygmy-Owl | |||||||
Elf Owl | |||||||
Spotted Owl | |||||||
Northern Saw-whet Owl | |||||||
Lesser Nighthawk | |||||||
Common Nighthawk | |||||||
Common Poorwill | |||||||
Whip-poor-will | |||||||
White-throated Swift | |||||||
Blue-throated Hmmingbird | |||||||
Magnificent Hummingbird | |||||||
Black-chinned Hummingbird | |||||||
Anna's Hummingbird | |||||||
Broad-tailed Hummingbird | |||||||
Belted Kingfisher | |||||||
Acorn Woodpecker | |||||||
Gila Woodpecker | |||||||
Ladder-backed Woodpecker | |||||||
Downy Woodpecker | |||||||
Hairy Woodpecker | |||||||
Strickland's Woodpecker | |||||||
Northern Flicker | |||||||
Greater Pewee | |||||||
Western Wood-Pewee | |||||||
Dusky Flycatcher | |||||||
Gray Flycatcher | |||||||
Cordilleran Flycatcher | |||||||
Black Phoebe | |||||||
Say's Phoebe | |||||||
Vermillion Flycatcher | |||||||
Dusky-capped Flycatcher | |||||||
Ash-throated Flycatcher | |||||||
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher | |||||||
Cassin's Kingbird | |||||||
Western Kingbird | |||||||
Horned lark | |||||||
Violet-green Swallow | |||||||
Rough-winged Swallow | |||||||
Cliff Swallow | |||||||
Barn Swallow | |||||||
Stellar's Jay | |||||||
Scrub Jay | |||||||
Gray-breasted Jay | |||||||
Pinyon Jay | |||||||
Clark's Nutcracker | |||||||
Common Raven | |||||||
Mountain Chickadee | |||||||
Bridled Titmouse | |||||||
Plain Titmouse | |||||||
Verdin | |||||||
Bushtit | |||||||
Red-breasted Nuthatch | |||||||
White-breasted Nuthatch | |||||||
Pygmy Nuthatch | |||||||
Brown Creeper | |||||||
Cactus Wren | |||||||
Rock Wren | |||||||
Canyon Wren | |||||||
Bewick's Wren | |||||||
House Wren | |||||||
American Dipper | |||||||
Golden-crowned Kinglet | |||||||
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | |||||||
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | |||||||
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher | |||||||
Western Bluebird | |||||||
Townsend's Solitaire | |||||||
Hermit Thrush | |||||||
American Robin | |||||||
Northern Mockingbird | |||||||
Curve-billed Thrasher | |||||||
Crissal Trasher | |||||||
Phainopepla | |||||||
Loggerhead Shrike | |||||||
European Starling | |||||||
Bell's Vireo | |||||||
Solitary Vireo | |||||||
Hutton's Vireo | |||||||
Warbling Vireo | |||||||
Orange-crowned Warbler | |||||||
Virginia's Warbler | |||||||
Lucy's Warbler | |||||||
Yellow-rumped Warbler | |||||||
Black-throated Gray Warbler | |||||||
Townsend's Warbler | |||||||
Hermit Warbler | |||||||
Grace's Warbler | |||||||
Red-faced Warbler | |||||||
Painted-Redstart | |||||||
Yellow-breasted Chat | |||||||
Olive Warbler | |||||||
Hepatic Tanager | |||||||
Summer Tanager | |||||||
Western Tanager | |||||||
Northern Cardinal | |||||||
Pyrrhuloxia | |||||||
Black-headed Grosbeak | |||||||
Rufous-sided Towhee | |||||||
Canyon Towhee | |||||||
Rufous-crowned Sparrow | |||||||
Chipping Sparrow | |||||||
Black-throated sparrow | |||||||
White-crowned Sparrow | |||||||
Yellow-eyed Junco | |||||||
Red-winged Blackbird | |||||||
western Meadowlark | |||||||
Yellow-headed Blackbird | |||||||
Brown-headed Cowbird | |||||||
Hooded Oriole | |||||||
Northern Oriole | |||||||
Scott's Oriole | |||||||
House Finch | |||||||
Red Crossbill | |||||||
Pine Siskin | |||||||
Lesser Goldfinch | |||||||
Evening Grosbeak | |||||||
House Sparrow |
Habitat codes for the folowing table:
(lack of a symbol indicates bird may be found throughout)
R = Riparian areas such as Wet Canyon, Noon Creek and Gillespie Wash.
W= Open Water, ponds, stock tanks and reservoirs such as Frye Mesa Reservoir.
D= Desert scrub, mesquite-creosote bush habitats, desert grasslands, arroyos or washes such as along lower Swift Trail and Hwy 266.
J = Various combinations of juniper with oaks, pinon pine and manzanita such as above Noon Creek to Arcadia on South and west facing slopes and Stockton Pass.
P = Ponderosa (and other) pines and Douglas-fir along Swift Trail from Arcadia to Riggs Lake.
S = Spruce-fir belt above Old Columbine Cabins to the summits.
I = Areas near ranch houses such as Angle Orchard.
Species | Abundant | Common | Fairly Common |
Rare | Casual or Accidental |
Uncommon | Habitat |
Pied-billed Grebe | |||||||
Great Blue Heron | |||||||
Great Egret | |||||||
White-faced Ibis | |||||||
Green-winged Teal | |||||||
Mallard | |||||||
Northern Pintail | |||||||
Blue-winged Teal | |||||||
Cinnamon Teal | |||||||
Northern Shoveler | |||||||
American Widgeon | |||||||
Redhead | |||||||
Ring-necked Duck | |||||||
Bufflehead | |||||||
Ruddy Duck | |||||||
Turkey Vulture | |||||||
Bald Eagle | |||||||
Sharp-shinned Hawk | |||||||
Cooper's Hawk | |||||||
Northern Goshawk | |||||||
Swainson's Hawk | |||||||
Red-tailed Hawk | |||||||
Ferruginous Hawk | |||||||
Golden Eagle | |||||||
American Kestrel | |||||||
Peregrine Falcon | |||||||
Prairie Flacon | |||||||
Wild Turkey | |||||||
Montezuma Quail | |||||||
Scaled Quail | |||||||
Gambel's Quail | |||||||
Common Moorhen | |||||||
Sandhill Crane | |||||||
Rock Dove | |||||||
Band-tailed Pigeon | |||||||
White-winged Dove | |||||||
Mourning Dove | |||||||
Thick-billed Parrot | |||||||
Greater Roadrunner | |||||||
Common Barn Owl | |||||||
Western Screech-Owl | |||||||
Great Horned Owl | |||||||
Northern Pygmy-Owl | |||||||
Spotted Owl | |||||||
Northern Saw-whet Owl | |||||||
White-throated Swift | |||||||
Blue-throated hummingbird | |||||||
Magnificent Hummingbird | |||||||
Black-chinned Hummingbird | |||||||
Anna's Hummingbird | |||||||
Belted-Kingfisher | |||||||
Acorn Woodpecker | |||||||
Gila Woodpecker | |||||||
Red-naped Sapsucker | |||||||
Williamson's Sapsucker | |||||||
Ladder-backed Woodpecker | |||||||
Hairy Woodpecker | |||||||
Strickland's Woodpecker | |||||||
Northern Flickerk | |||||||
Black Phoebe | |||||||
Say's Phoebe | |||||||
Horned Lark | |||||||
Stellar's Jay | |||||||
Scrub Jay | |||||||
Gray-breasted Jay | |||||||
Clark's Nutcracker | |||||||
Common Raven | |||||||
mountain Chickadee | |||||||
Bridled Titmouse | |||||||
Plain Titmouse | |||||||
Verdin | |||||||
Bushtit | |||||||
Red-breasted Nuthatch | |||||||
White-breasted Nuthatch | |||||||
Pygmy Nuthatch | |||||||
Brown Creeper | |||||||
Cactus Wren | |||||||
Rock Wren | |||||||
Canyon Wren | |||||||
Bewick's Wren | |||||||
Golden-crowned Kinglet | |||||||
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | |||||||
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | |||||||
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher | |||||||
Western Bluebird | |||||||
Townsend's Solitaire | |||||||
Hermit Thrush | |||||||
American Robin | |||||||
Northern Mockingbird | |||||||
Curve-billed Thrasher | |||||||
Crissal Thrasher | |||||||
Phainopepla | |||||||
Loggerhead Shrike | |||||||
European Starling | |||||||
Solitary Vireo | |||||||
Hutton's Vireo | |||||||
Yellow-rumped warbler | |||||||
Black-throated Gray Warbler | |||||||
Painted Redstart | |||||||
Western Tanager | |||||||
Norhtern Cardinal | |||||||
Pyrrhuloxia | |||||||
Green-tailed Towhee | |||||||
Rufous-sided Towhee | |||||||
Canyon Towhee | |||||||
Rufous-crowned Sparrow | |||||||
Chipping Sparrow | |||||||
Black-throated Sparrow | |||||||
White-crowned Sparrow | |||||||
Yellow-eyed Junco | |||||||
Dark-eyed Junco | |||||||
Red-winged Blackbird | |||||||
Western Meadowlark | |||||||
Yellow-headed Blackbird | |||||||
Brewer's Blackbird | |||||||
Brown-headed Cowbird | |||||||
Cassin's Finch | |||||||
House Finch | |||||||
Red Crosbill | |||||||
Pine Siskin | |||||||
Lesser Goldfinch | |||||||
American goldfinch | |||||||
Evening Grosbeak | |||||||
House Sparrow |
Habitat codes for the folowing table:
(lack of a symbol indicates bird may be found throughout)
R = Riparian areas such as Wet Canyon, Noon Creek and Gillespie Wash.
W= Open Water, ponds, stock tanks and reservoirs such as Frye Mesa Reservoir.
D= Desert scrub, mesquite-creosote bush habitats, desert grasslands, arroyos or washes such as along lower Swift Trail and Hwy 266.
J = Various combinations of juniper with oaks, pinon pine and manzanita such as above Noon Creek to Arcadia on South and west facing slopes and Stockton Pass.
P = Ponderosa (and other) pines and Douglas-fir along Swift Trail from Arcadia to Riggs Lake.
S = Spruce-fir belt above Old Columbine Cabins to the summits.
I = Areas near ranch houses such as Angle Orchard.
Species | Abundant | Common | Fairly Common |
Rare | Casual or Accidental |
Uncommon | Habitat |
Great Egret | |||||||
Green-winged Teal | |||||||
Mallard | |||||||
Northern Pintail | |||||||
Blue-winged Teal | |||||||
Cinnamon Teal | |||||||
Northern Shoveler | |||||||
American Widgeon | |||||||
Bufflehead | |||||||
hooded Merganser | |||||||
Turkey Vulture | |||||||
Bald Eagle | |||||||
Northern Harrier | |||||||
Sharp-shinned Hawk | |||||||
Cooper's Hawk | |||||||
Zone-tailed Hawk | |||||||
Red-tailed Hawk | |||||||
Golden Eagle | |||||||
American Kestrel | |||||||
Peregrine Falcon | |||||||
Sandhill Crane | |||||||
Mourning Dove | |||||||
Thick-billed parrot | |||||||
Common Nighthawk | |||||||
Whip-poor-will | |||||||
Black-chinned hummingbird | |||||||
Calliope hummingbird | |||||||
Broad-tailed Hummingbird | |||||||
Rufous hummingbird | |||||||
Allen's Hummingbird | |||||||
Red-naped sapsucker | |||||||
Williamson's Sapsucker | |||||||
Downy Woodpecker | |||||||
Olive-sided Flycatcher | |||||||
Hammond's Flycatcher | |||||||
Cordilleran Flycatcher | |||||||
Vermillion Flycatcher | |||||||
Cassin's Kingbird | |||||||
Western Kingbird | |||||||
Violet-green Swallow | |||||||
Cliff Swallow | |||||||
Barn Swallow | |||||||
Pinyon Jay | |||||||
Golden-crowned Kinglet | |||||||
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | |||||||
Townsend's Solitaire | |||||||
Hermit Thrush | |||||||
American Robin | |||||||
Solitary Vireo | |||||||
warbling Vireo | |||||||
Orange-crowned Warbler | |||||||
Virginia's Warbler | |||||||
Chestnut-sided Warbler | |||||||
Yellow-rumped warbler | |||||||
Black-throated Gray Warbler | |||||||
Townsend's Warbler | |||||||
Hermit Warbler | |||||||
Grace's warbler | |||||||
Wilson's warbler | |||||||
red-faced Warbler | |||||||
Painted Redstart | |||||||
Olive Warbler | |||||||
Western Tanager | |||||||
Black-headed Grosbeak | |||||||
Green-tailed Towhee | |||||||
Chipping Sparrow | |||||||
White-crowned Sparrow | |||||||
Dark-eyed Junco | |||||||
Red-winged Blackbird | |||||||
Western Meadowlark | |||||||
Yellow-headed Blackbird | |||||||
Brown-headed Cowbird | |||||||
Hooded oriole | |||||||
Northern Oriole | |||||||
Cassin's Finch |
This site maintained by the Mt. Graham Biology Program - The University of Arizona.
If you have any questions or comments please email us