Conservation Research Laboratory: UA Wildlife Science Admission Process
The Admission Process in Wildlife Science at the U of A
The admission process for the Wildlife Science program at the University of Arizona's School of Natural Resources & the Environment is controlled primarily by the faculty within the program but final approval on admission to the University of Arizona is granted by The Graduate College. Your completed application will be circulated among the faculty of the Wildlife and Fisheries Science program, who will review your qualifications, personal statement, and other supplemental materials, and vote on your suitability for our program. Each faculty member is also asked to note whether they would be willing to serve as your graduate advisor and ensure that a plan for funding your graduate research is in place. If the faculty determine that you are qualified for admission and a faculty member agrees to serve as your advisor, then you will receive a letter of acceptance pending approval by The Graduate College. If the faculty do not vote to admit or no faculty advisor steps forward, then you will not be admitted to the program.
Because a faculty advisor is a requirement for admission, potential students should contact appropriate faculty in advance of submission of their application in order to find a faculty member with a position available for a new student in their research group. Visit faculty websites and review faculty publications to determine which faculty to contact and in that first communication be certain to introduce yourself to the prospective advisor and provide details of your experience and academic preparedness (degrees, GRE scores, GPA) with an attached CV. This information will permit the faculty member to determine if you might be a good match for their research group and you may be encouraged to continue the conversation or visit campus.
Application Materials and Minimum Requirements are found through the School of Natural Resources & the Environment site at: