Honey Bee BEEGO Rules
- Divide the students into pairs. Distribute a copy of the BEEGO sheet to each pair.
- Have students make their own game board by cutting up copies of BEEGO sheet,
rearranging the categories, and pasting them on a piece of heavy paper or card
stock. Cut up one sheet of BEEGO categories to put a bowl.
- Have each pair select one of the "square" categories from the bowl (sight unseen).
Depending on the number of students in your class, a few pairs of students may have
to select two topics in order for all the categories to be included, or if the class size is
fairly small, let each student draw one topic with only a few students having to do
more than one.
- Provide time for each pair to decide how to present their selected topic. They may
pantomime the subject, make up a poem or riddle, or give an interesting fact or two.
However they choose, it must be done so the class can guess the category. Allow one
minute for each presentation.
- Randomly select each pair to perform. Caution students that they must wait until
the entire presentation is completed before announcing their guess of the category.
You might have students raise their hand when they have an idea.
- Provide an enlarged list of the categories where all students can see it.
- As categories are guessed, students cross off the squares on their game board, as one
would play Bingo. However, when a complete sequence is obtained, students must
say "BEEGO!"