The following three
references have been most helpful to us:
Isaaks, E. H., and Srivastava, R. M. 1989. An
Introduction to Applied Geostatistics. Oxford University Press.
Myers, D. E. 1991. Interpolation and estimation
with spatially located data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Rossi, R. E., Mulla, D. J., Journel, A. G., and
Franz, E. H. 1992. Geostatistical tools for modeling and interpreting
ecological spatial dependence. Ecological Monographs 62:277-314.
The following references have
also been very helpful:
Deutsch, C. V. and Journel A. G. 1992. GSLIB Geostatistical
Software Library and User's Guide. Oxford University Press New York.
Journel, A. G. 1989. Fundamentals of Geostatistics
in Five Lessons. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C.
Lecoustre, R., Fargette, D., Fauquet, C., and
de Reffye, P. 1989. Analysis and mapping of the spatial spread of African
cassava mosaic virus using geostatistics and the kriging technique. Phytopathology
Liebhold, A. M., Rossi, R. E., and Kemp, W. P.
1993. Geostatistics and geographic information systems in applied insect
ecology. Annual Review of Entomology 38:303-327.
Myers, D. E. 1989. To be or not to be...stationary:
That is the question. Math. Geology 21: 347-362
Pannatier, Y. 1996. Variowin. Software for
Spatial Data Analysis in 2D. Springer-Verlag. New York.
Rossi, R. E., Borth, P. W., Tollefson, J. J. 1993.
Stochastic simulations for characterizing ecological spatial patterns and
appraising risk. Ecol. Appl. 3:719-735.
Webster, R., and Boag, B. 1992. Geostatistical
analysis of cyst nematodes in soil. J. of Soil Science 43:583-595.
Papers we have written using
Barnes, J. M., Trinidad-Correa, R., Orum, T. V.,
Felix-Gastelum, R., and Nelson, M. R. 1999. Landscape ecology as a new
framework for improved management of plant viruses and their insect vectors
in agroecosystems. Ecosystem Health 5:26-35.
Byrne, D. N., Rathman, R. J., Orum, T. V., and
Palumbo, J. C. 1995. Localized migration and dispersal by the sweet potato
whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, Oecologia 105:320-328.
Nelson, M. R., Felix-Gastelum, R., Orum, T. V.,
Stowell, L. J., and Myers, D. E. 1994. Geographic information systems and
geostatistics in the design and validation of regional plant virus management
programs. Phytopathology 84:898-905.
Nelson, M. R., Orum, T. V., Jaime-Garcia, R.,
and Nadeem, A. 1999. Applications of
geographic information systems and geostatistics
in plant disease epidemiology and management.
Plant Dis. 83:308-319.
Orum, T. V., Bigelow, D. M., Nelson, M. R.,
Howell, D. R., and Cotty, P. J. 1997. Spatial
temporal patterns of Aspergillus flavus
composition and propagule density in Yuma
County, Arizona, soils. Plant Dis. 81:911-916.
Orum, T. V., Bigelow, D. M., Cotty, P. J., and
Nelson, M. R. 1999. Using predictions based
geostatistics to monitor trends in Aspergillus
flavus strain composition. Phytopathology
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