GeoEAS file format The GeoEAS file format is very simple. It is an ASCI text file with headers lines followed by the data as a space delimited ASCI file. The first header line is the title. We usually use the title to show the location of the MS Access file where the data originated. The second line is the number of columns of data. Here there are 4 columns of data. The next four lines are the variable names for the data in each column. You are allowed up to ten characters for the variable name. The data follow with a space between each field.
We maintain our data in Microsoft Access. Below is what the Access Query for the A. flavus S strain incidence data looked like:
For GeoEAS, we export the file from Access as a space delimited text file. Then add the header lines using MSDos Edit or Notepad. The GeoEAS file format is used by a variety of spatial analysis software
in addition to the GeoEAS programs.
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Contact: Tom Orum at Merritt Nelson at 10/20/99