Utah Soil Surveys and Maps To request surveys or to find web soil surveys contact the Utah
state office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Box Elder County
SU: A 57.38/44:T 61; A 57.38/44:T 61/SH.1-163
AU: Trickler,-Darryl-L.
CA: United States. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
United States. Forest Service.
TI: Soil survey of Tooele area, Utah : Tooele County and parts of Box Elder, Davis, and
Juab counties, Utah, and parts of White Pine and Elko counties, Nevada.
SO: [Washington, D.C.] : The Service, [2000].
PY: 2000
PD: vii, 269 p., [4], 164 folded p. of plates : ill., maps (some col.) ; 28 cm.
DE: Soils-Utah-Tooele-Region
SU: A 57.38/44:B 69
CA: United States. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
TI: Soil survey of Box Elder County, Utah, Western Part.
SO: [Washington, D.C.?] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [1997].
PY: 1997
PD: 1 case (1 v., 75 folded p. of plates) : ill., maps (some col.) ; 31 cm
DE: Soil-surveys-Utah-Box-Elder-County.
SU: A 57.38: B 69e
AU: [Raymond S. Chadwick, Marvin L. Baney, DeLyle Beckstrand, Ludene Campbell, James A.
Carley, Earl H. Jensen, Calvin R. McKinley. Sherman S. Stock, and Howard A. Stokes]
CA: United States Agriculture Department. Soil Conservation Service; Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station
TI: Soil survey: Box Elder County, Utah, eastern part
SO: [Washington, D.C.] : United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation
Service; [1975]
PY: [1975]
PD: cover title, ii + 223 p. il. 165 p. of pl. + maps, 4
DE: soil-survey-eastern-Box-Elder-County-Utah
SU: A 57.38: C 11/3
AU: [Austin J. Erickson and Vear L. Mortenson]
CA: United States Agriculture Department. Soil Conservation Service and Forest Service;
Utah Agricultural Experiment Station
TI: Soil survey: Cache Valley area, Utah, parts of Cache and Box Elder Counties
SO: [Washington, D.C.] : United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation
Service; 1974
PY: 1974
PD: cover title, ii + 192 p. il. 93 p. of pl. + maps, 4
DE: soil-survey-Cache-Valley-Cache-County-Box-Elder-County-Utah
SU: A 26.5/a: B38
AU: n.a.
CA: United States Agriculture Department; Soils Bureau
TI: Soil survey of Bear River area
SO: [Washington]; United States Agriculture Department. Soils Bureau, 1906
PY: 1906
PD: 20 p. il. map
DE: soil-survey-Bear-River-Box-Elder-County-Utah