New Mexico Soil Surveys and Maps To request surveys or to find web soil surveys contact the New
Mexico state office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Valencia County
SU: A 57.38:C 48
AU: Parham,-Tommie-Lee.
CA: United States. Soil Conservation Service.
TI: Soil survey of Cibola Area, New Mexico, parts of Cibola, McKinley, and
Valencia counties.
SO: [Washington, D.C.?] : The Service, [1993].
PY: 1993
PD: 1 case (1 v., [3], 102 folded p. of plates) : ill. ; 31 cm
DE: Soil-surveys-New-Mexico-Cibola-County.
SU: A 57.69:V 23
CA: United States. Soil Conservation Service.
TI: Rio Grande Valley, Valencia County, New Mexico.
SO: Portland, Or. : Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1978.
PY: 1978
PD: 1 map : col. ; 52 x 43 cm
SE: Important farmlands.
NT: "Interpretations derived from soil surveys made between 1954 and 1967 by
"Base source: USGS 1:100,000 county base compiled in 1976 from 1:24,000 and
1:62,500 topographic maps dated 1962-1971. Partially revised in 1977."
"Projection and 10,000-meter grid ticks, zone 13: Universal Transverse
"25,000-foot grid ticks based on New Mexico coordinate system, east zone."
July 1978.
Includes location map.
DE: Agricultural-resources-New-Mexico-Valencia-County-Maps.
SU: A 57.38:B 45/3
AU: Hacker,-Leroy-W.
CA: United States. Soil Conservation Service.
United States. Forest Service.
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs.
United States. Bureau of Land Management.
New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station, University Park.
TI: Soil survey of Bernalillo County and parts of Sandoval and Valencia
Counties, New Mexico.
SO: [Washington] : Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1977.
PY: 1977
PD: iii, 101 p., [35] fold. leaves of plates : ill., maps ; 28 cm
DE: Soil-surveys-New-Mexico-Bernalillo-County-Maps.
SU: A 57.38: V23
AU: [Douglas S. Pease]
CA: United States Agriculture Department. Soil Conservation Service; Bureau of Indian
Affairs; New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station
TI: Soil survey: Valencia County, N. Mex.
SO: [Washington, D.C.] : United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation
Service; [1975]
PY: [1975]
PD: cover title, [i] + 121 p. il. 60 p. of pl. + maps, 4
DE: soil-survey-New-Mexico-Valencia-County
SU: A 57.38: V 23/errata
TI: Soil survey: Valencia County, N. Mex., Erratum
PY: [1975]
PD: 1 p. 4